5 February, 2017
Among the many, S. Asia can be proud
It’s Lanka to world one can speak loud.
It has completed 69 years service to nation
Also with pride they celebrate the occasion
Independence, galaxy of patriots did pioneer
Is celebrated annually with grandeur.
Set on stunning ocean with beautification
It’s called the Pearl of the Indian Ocean.
It was the most esteemed regarding trade
With fame that never did fade
Amidst vast wealth of natural resources
Strategic significance was enormous
There lies the world renowned Trinco Port
Comparatively there was nothing of the sort
As a favourite touring destination
Offers a lot to their wide imagination
Earlier, we faced many invasions
First it was from S. Indian nations
Then came the nations of the west
Spices and Christmas were their quest
Missionary zeal in their minds first
Soon turned to be, for wealth a thirst.
Due to disunity in the Sinhala Kingdom
Then Ceylon lost her precious freedom.
Country never tolerated alien rule
Hence, all races were ready with heart and soul
Independence thus gained with great pleasure
Is the greatest gift we preserve as a treasure.
United we must stand now giving up rivalry
United we must stand to achieve peace – prosperity
- Rupa Banduwardena