New trishaw regulations effective from April 1 | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

New trishaw regulations effective from April 1

22 January, 2017

The new Gazette notification setting out regulations for trishaws will be implemented from April 1 through the Police, the Secretary to the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation, Nihal Somaweera said last week.

According to the Secretary, a grace period has been given to trishaw operators to install meters and adhere to other regulations set out in the Gazette. Consequences for those who do not abide by these regulations by way of fines or other forms of penalties will be introduced in the near future, he said.

However, the All Island Three Wheel Owners Association (AITWOA) has challenged the Gazette notification and are calling for amendments to be made to it before implementation.

¨We will not allow the implementation of this gazette notification if amendments are not accommodated,¨ threatened the Chairman of the AITWOA, Sudhil Jayaruk.

The association will present several recommendations and suggested amendments to the Ministry of Transport tomorrow (Monday) regarding the Gazette notification which was issued earlier this month, setting out a number of regulations for three wheelers and its drivers. According to him, the Association has major concerns regarding four of the regulations set out in the gazette. ¨The new gazette claims a meter is mandatory, but nowhere does it speak of its quality or the regulation of fares,¨ he said, adding, that this is not acceptable and will allow drivers to charge passengers varying rates leaving room for people to be cheated by dishonest trishaw operators.

Jayaruk also found fault with the regulation which allows six children to be transported in a trishaw at a time. Other regulations such as requiring a driver to hand over any parcels left behind by a passenger to the Police as well as issuing receipts to passengers have also left the association disgruntled.

¨Allowing a driver to claim that the parcel was left behind by a passenger might put in place a loophole for drug peddlers, while issuing receipts is not cost effective and is environmentally damaging,¨ he said.

President of the All Island Three Wheeler Drivers Union, Lalith Dharmasekara too expressed similar views claiming the union will move the Courts if the Ministry does not heed the industry’s concerns.

