Staying power is undoubtedly one of the greatest assets to possess in today’s fast moving entertainment industry. With what you call an overload of hip hop, rap, garage and hard rock, Benjy Ranabahu, leader of Aquarius, has come through successfully, his band side-stepping these routes and performing music that’s popular and appealing to the many fans of the band.
Fans they do have, while performing at Il Ponte on Thursdays and Fridays and at the Lounge and Bar (LAB) at the Colombo Hilton during the weekends. Listening to the band last Thursday it was pretty obvious that Benjy using his innate musical talent has steered the band to a position that makes most of the diners stop in their tracks whilst enjoying their dinner or clapping enthusiastically when the song ends. It must be said that Aquarius’ repertoire leans heavily on ballads in any idiom and it was a pleasure listening to the band. It was a totally different scene.
We learn that Aquarius will be jetting across to Melbourne as they were invited to play for the New Year’s Eve dance at the Grand on Princess, will be featured at various other night spots, play for the popular Valentine’s Night and then be back in Sri Lanka, to make their Sri Lankan fans happy.
“This is the first time Aquarius has been invited to perform in Melbourne. I went to Australia before with Mirage and now with Aquarius it makes me happy to be there with the members especially the girls Jo Jo, Brenda and LJ,” said Ranabahu.
How did Jo Jo and LJ join us?
Well, they were playing with Shiran Munasinghe my drummer and vocalist at Doha. Brenda Mendis was singing with Billy Fernando and his band before joining us,” he said.
Just in case you are wondering who the rest of the members of band are, let me clue you in.
There’s Jayan Fernando on keyboards, trumpet and vocals, and Danuskha Jayasekera – guitar and vocals.
Away from the stage, Jo Jo is Jazreel Lazaro, LJ is Zaira Tiocsan and with Brenda Mendis they are the front-line singers. Aquarius is at an advantage because the members all sing and as a result their repertoire is varied and wide. I cannot proceed without making mention of the high standard Shiran Munasinghe has maintained with his vocals. Catch their sounds – you will not be disappointed.