Ananda completes 100 years of scouting | Page 13 | Sunday Observer

Ananda completes 100 years of scouting

18 December, 2016

The year 1907 was a red letter year for the Scouts Movement when its founder Lord Baden Powell held the first nine day camp. Altogether 20 boys between 9-15 years participated in this event. Today the Scouts Movement is the biggest children’s organisation in the world with 28 million scouts in 216 member countries. The Sea Scouts were added in 1964. On the initiative of Englishman F.G. Stevenson the scouting movement was introduced to Sri Lanka as early as 1912.

Ananda College, Colombo the nucleus of Buddhist education in the country launched its Scout body in 1916. The Scouting Collective is the oldest association in the Ananda College. Anandian Scouts are proud of bringing honour to their college by producing many President’s Scouts annually.

An Anandian Scout is gifted with certain social values. The experience and maturity attained through scouting are not second to none. Henry Steel Olcott, the architect and others personages of Buddhist education in Sri Lanka gifted to the country a generation of children dedicated to Buddhism and the country. The pledge by the Scouts is to work for the religion as well as country. Accordingly the objectives and aims of the Ananda College, the premier institute of Buddhist education fits in well with the ideals of Scouting.

Past Anandians such as former IGP Mahinda Balasuriya, Deputy Solicitor General Yasantha Kodagoda PC, vocalist Bathiya Jayakody, announcer Rohana Watawala, former Rear Admiral Wasantha Karannagoda and Military Commanders Chagi Gallage, Jagath Dias and Kamal Gunaratne reached the pinnacle of their career having been moulded as Boy Scouts.

Anandian Scouts are ready to celebrate their centenary. To mark the event, they held a pinkama at the Ruwanweliseya and an ‘Ashirvada Pooja’ at the Sacred Jayasirimaha Bodhi, Anuradhapura.

Anandian Scouts under the patronage of Principal S.M. Keerthiratne will launch a tournament and centenary celebrations titled ‘Siyawasaka Wikramaya’ on December 19 with the participation of scouts and girl guides islandwide.

All Anandians, past and present, and well wishers are cordially welcome. 
