Ceylinco Life has been ranked as the most valuable brand in Sri Lanka’s insurance industry across
Life and General Insurance categories in the 2023 rankings of the country’s top 100 brands published by Brand Finance, a brand valuation consultancy.
Brand Finance has assigned a brand value of Rs 3.5 billion for the Ceylinco Life brand, which is higher than the value of the highest-ranked brand in the General insurance sector as well, in the recently released rankings. Ceylinco Life has also moved up one place in the overall rankings to 27th position on Brand Finance’s ‘Sri Lanka 100’ which include the largest banks, telcos, conglomerates and retail giants.
Ceylinco Life Managing Director/CEO Thushara Ranasinghe said: “We have consistently been recognised as the most valuable life insurance brand in Sri Lanka. Reaching the top of the entire insurance sector in a year that has witnessed an overall drop in brand values due to the challenges faced by the country, speaks volumes for the resilience of the brand. This is an important validation that the Ceylinco Life brand has continued to build trust and confidence among consumers.”
Referring to the life insurance industry in the country, the Brand Finance report stated, “The Life Insurance industry has faced challenges due to reduced disposable income caused by inflation, rupee devaluation and tax reforms, leading to a decline in demand and premium payment capacity. Increasing interest rates have diverted clients towards alternative investment options, posing a threat to the life insurance business.”
“Ceylinco Life retained its position as the top-ranked brand in the Life Insurance segment in Sri Lanka 100 and, amongst other life insurers Ceylinco Life records the lowest drop in the brand value (-9% comparing to 2022 FY),” the report stated.
Brand Finance also determines the relative strength of brands through a balanced scorecard of metrics evaluating marketing investment, stakeholder equity, and business performance. Compliant with ISO 20671, Brand Finance’s assessment of stakeholder equity incorporates original market research data from over 100,000 respondents in 38 countries and across 31 sectors.
Ceylinco Life ended 2022 with assets of Rs 191.5 billion, consolidated income of Rs 45.63 billion, gross written premium income of Rs 29.16 billion, a Life Fund of Rs 134.9 billion and an investment portfolio of Rs 165.9 billion.
In May this year the Company achieved several milestones in financial performance with total assets surpassing the Rs 200 billion mark, total equity topping Rs 50 billion, and investments in financial assets exceeding Rs 175 billion.