I deliberately scheduled my pow-wow with Nethmi Sanjana’s under the cool climes of the up country’s picturesque topography where she dwells.
Sanjana, who celebrated her 22nd birthday recently, does not need an introduction; ever since she was watched on the mini screen, playing one of the most reviewed characters that grabbed the attention of the critics in “Nonimi” - her maiden teledrama, directed by veteran actor Suraj Mapa, her forte became her synonym.
Nethmi, to my naked eye looked ravishing and entrancing; surrounded by a numberless of lavish birthday gifts, despite that she saved time talking to me.Nethmi’s conspicuous, chic, and curvy posture reminds me of Cleopatra in Antony and Cleopatra - the Bard’s 1607 play. I wished that she would utter the very exact words of Cleopatra, “It is my birthday: I had thought to have held it poorly: but, since my lord is Antony again, I will be Cleopatra”.
Nethmi, stands out from the crowd; her passion and hard work evenly contribute towards her success. She says that her passion invariably drives her, and she has no hesitation: she lets reason to hold the reins. No exaggeration is noticed in the simplest and the unembellished declaration that a deeply rooted passion for performing and entertaining is a key quality that is indispensable for an actor who is celebrated for the excellence in acting undoubtedly has got a huge sense of conviction and credence to portray their role in a production plausibly and convincingly and eventually get connected with the audience.
Driven by such a dogma, Nethmi employs her strategy of expertness with physicality in her endeavour of translating her emotions, incentives, and intentions, associated with a character by means of her physical movement and the words that she utters.
Apart from being a freelance actress, Nethmi does modelling; she is imaginative and curious on making herself further educated in the field where her passion thrives. Nethmi looks every inch a truly Sri Lankan young lady.
Commenting on her passion for acting and modelling, she notes “My interests and passions would go even beyond the stage or the movie screen.”
“A soft spot and a penchant that you have got for anything that is driven by your passion as well as an implacable and an inexorable drive in order to succeed are crucial and fundamental qualities for success in their selected fields,” she said.
While indulging in blissful nostalgia, Nethmi said that she enjoys living in her inventive and vivid imagination of herself where she would even become an award winning character actress on one fine day. Hailing from Pilimathalawa, Kandy, Nethmi still prefers her time being spent there that keeps her away from the city’s hustle and bustle.
School days
Hillwood College, Kandy, is her alma mater. In retrospect, she shared with me a vivid account of her school days during which her participation in the school’s aesthetic-oriented program was an essential requirement. She notes that the indispensable components of acting or modelling are not just restricted to a solitary talent alone, since the art form demands a combination and consolidation of diverse potentiality, aptitude, and expertise.
Nethmi said, “The bent and knack to embrace and articulate a spectrum of emotions is a significant aspect of acting since actors are required to delve into their emotions as well as that of their on stage persona”.I am reminded of a significant element that I noticed during my conversation with Nethmi which is her inventive disposition, fuelled by her charming personality that enables her potential of bringing her characters to the materialisation and also to create feasible and credible performances.
“I often carry positive attitudes with me. However, that doesn’t say that I take everything positive. You may anyhow try to convince yourself that remaining with an adamant sense of positivity over a certain matter that is not realistically feasible may either make you disappointed or depressed.Therefore, you should make sure that you neither become pessimistic or optimistic, but realistic,” she said.
Nethmi has got the ability of employing her physicality in order to convey her emotions and translate the same into her own way of expression that are brisky and imperative for some distinct roles. Nethmi remains a naturalistic actress who shines on screen. “I strongly believe in the fact that actors should have the ability of communicating adequately with their peers and the audience. They should also be willing to receive constructive criticism that can inflate their craft and grow into the unique status of artists,” Nethmi said.
Nethmi calls herself a freelance actress where she insists that she just started, and such a long way remains ahead in her journey of acting. It naturally takes time for anybody to feel comfortable on stage or right in front of a camera. “I often try summoning my courage and confidence to be stable on the set, as actors are an absolutely amazing and inspiring group of people who spread their goodwill in the society,” she said.
It is not only her talent but also her predominantly positive attitude that make her a sure shot for success. Nethmi is as raw and as natural as she can be. She is not driven by pretensions; she is governed by her own natural instinct. She just oozes natural talent. Nethmi is such an enduring source of astounding talent, instantaneously bringing zeal, ardour, warmth, and empathy to the character. Her work will be fully realised. She will be tremendous in the future, giving her all and shining all together.Her bouncy energy and effervescent talent will add a tremendous amount of glamour and vigour into the characters that she would continue to play in the time to come; she has got what it takes to sustain any role offered to her.