Volkswagen Beetle enthusiasts hold Independence Day rally | Sunday Observer

Volkswagen Beetle enthusiasts hold Independence Day rally

12 February, 2023

The annual ‘Independence Day Beetle Rally’ was organized by the Classic VW Beetle Owner’s Club of Ceylon for the 8th time in Kandy on Independence Day.

Volkswagen Beetle enthusiasts and their families gathered in Gannoruwa with their classic cars, some left the manufacturing facilities in the 1950s, ready to roll around the Kandy city.

The rally circled around the Kandy City via the famous Clock Tower, Yatinuwara Veediya, D. S. Senanayake Veediya, and headed to Rathnasiri Wickramanayake National Training Centre in Hanthana Estate, Udawela. A papare band entertained the drivers and the onlookers, all the way to Hanthana.

At the Rathnasiri Wickramanayake National Training Centre, there were many family activities for all ages. There was also a calypso band, beer taps, a BBQ and a luncheon organized by the Club. Both kids and adults had fun with target shooting with air rifles, musical chairs, and balloon blowing.

“The best part of this event is that you get to spend a fun time with your family and meet great people, not to mention you get to see some shiny classic Beetles from the bygone era,” said founder member Chandana Pathirana.

Two awards were presented: one to the best originally kept Beetle and one for the best modified Beetle. Best Original Beetle award was given to a 1972 manufactured, 1300cc Beetle, popularly known as the ‘Kanemail’ ventilation model car, owned by Dr Arjuna Madagama. Except for routine maintenance, a repaint and an engine rebuild, it has pretty much remained untouched. It has been the daily driver of the present owner for many years and has remained extremely reliable over the years. Part of the credit goes to K.H.M Gunasena who attended to all the maintenance.

Best modified Beetle award was given to a 1956 oval rear window model Beetle owned by Asitha Siriwardana of Avenue Clothing.

It features a new air-cooled high performance engine, a set of low profile large alloy wheels, and many custom body modifications. This car originally belonged to the wife of Mohan Panabokke.

There is a nice story behind this car as well. One day Panabokke gave a ride to the current owner Asitha’s mother to go to Kandy town in this car. She immediately liked the Beetle and asked if Panabokke plans to sell it, to which Panabokke only smiled. When she and her husband returned home that evening, they were surprised to see the car parked at their house.

Awardees were chosen by the newly appointed advisory committee of three; two former presidents of the club Chandana Pathirana, Jaliya Bandara, the Chief Motor Car Examiner of Badulla, and Lalith Ekanayake, a retired high court judge and a classic Beetle owner himself.

Three longtime mechanics that the club fondly calls ‘Beetle Doctors’, were also recognized at the event; K.H.M Gunasena, Anton Kelly, and Nimal Ranasinghe. A newly designed club t-shirt was also unveiled at the event and distributed among the members.

“We started this club to mainly have fun with all the members and their families, promote interest in classic Beetle cars, and to assist the owners in maintaining and preserving this mechanical marvel that is loved across the globe” said president Akila Ekanayake.

“We usually organize long drives that test the limits of our Beetles. But with the prevailing crisis and rationing of fuel, we have made our trips shorter, but we select challenging routes. Last year we climbed all the way to the top of the Ambuluwawa mountain without any issues,” he said.

The Classic VW Beetle Owner’s Club of Ceylon, lauched in 2016, organizes few events in a calendar year including a charitable activity that supports people in need, and the members will be back for another group ride in June with many fun activities planned.
