The Milk Powder Importers Association (MIA) has expressed concern over a stock of 400,000 kilos of milk powder idling at the Colombo Port.
The MIA said that due to the delay in clearing the stock, the milk powder is gradually deteriorating.
MIA official Lakshman Weerasuriya told Sunday Observer Business, that due to the delay in not releasing the stock it will decay and the final outcome would be that it would be sold as poultry food.
He said that the stock has been in the Customs warehouse since June this year. “The authorities must act responsibly and release this even now to meet the festive season demand.” Weerasuriya said the delay will create another milk powder shortage in the country like it did in the past.
He said, “Although milk powder should be stocked in warehouses according to health regulations, I am not sure if the specific standards are maintained.”
He said even now responsible authorities should look into this matter in a positive way and make arrangements to release them.
Sri Lanka’s monthly milk powder consumption is between 6,500 to 7,000 metric tons and it increases during December.