AA respectable Govi Buddhist parents from Colombo District seek an educated,loving and kind-hearted daughter for our eldest son. He is an Engineer by profession,32 years of age and 6’ in height. He studied at a leading School in Colombo and completed his BSc.,MSc. and MBA in Local Private Universities. After working at a leading company in Sri Lanka he is now engaged in business. Non-smoker,teetotaller. We are looking for a family oriented daughter who is willing to not work after marriage and is willing to help our son with his business. (prop2022proposal@gmail.com).
About our son born in 1985 August,5’7”,handsome,well-mannered,non-smoker and teetotaller. We are B/G respectable parents from Colombo,seek a pretty kind hearted daughter who is willing to settle in Australia. He is an entrepreneur residing in Australia (Dual citizen). He inherits substantial family assets. Please respond with full family details & horoscope. E-mail: charithacj8@gmail.com
Academically qualified,well mannered daughter with a pleasing personality is sought by the parents of a respectable G/B family,citizens of USA for their eldest son,32 years old,Height 5’ 10. Studied at a leading boys’ school in Colombo up to Advanced Level and he graduated from a well recognized university in the USA as an Electrical Engineer. Now he is attached to a renowned Technological Company in the USA. and reading for his masters degree also. He truly respects Sri Lankan cultural values. Please reply with family details and the horoscope. E-mail proposaldj1990@gmail.com
Academically qualified,decent and pretty girl is sought from Sri Lanka,by the son who is 36 age,5’3’’,Engineer by education in UK uni. currently engaged in foreign business. Owns an offshore export company. Seeking an open minded girl,less than 5’3’’,probably willing to migrate (Would reside in SL as well),below age 32. E-mail: ceo@solutions361.com
Buddhist Govi parents from Colombo district seek a loving and kind hearted daughter for our eldest son who is 32 years of age and 6feet in height. He studied at leading school in Colombo and completed his higher education (Engineering) in local private universities. He is now engaged in his own business. (Non-smoker,teetotaller) (lashi.kalu@gmail.com).
Catholic parents seeking an academically or professionally qualified daughter for their son. He is 29 yrs. old,born and raised in Canada,5’6’’ in height,holds 3 degrees (BSc Chemistry,BA Finance & MBA) from top Canadian universities and works as a Manager for one of the largest banks. Very fit and outgoing and fluent in English,French and Sinhala. Religion and caste are immaterial. Matches in Canada preferred. Please reply with details at proposals.sf@gmail.com
Divorcee Sinhalese Christian aged 55,5’8’’,retired Insurance Manager,non-smoker,teetotaller with sober habits,no encumbrances seeks a bride age below 45 from an own family business oriented family only. Willing to migrate,differences immaterial. Please respond to; bride4mary@yahoo.com
Respectable G/B parents seek a suitable daughter from a family with same status for their only son age 33+ height 5’11”,NS/TT an old Thomian BSc and MBA holder Sole Proprietor of a well established business. Email : nilmini.k1961@gmail.com