Academically and professionally qualified caring well mannered son from a respectable family is sought by B/K professional parents from Kandy for their pretty daughter 1989/04 born 5’4”. Studied in leading school in Kandy and did her degree in UK while working in UK,. Currently works for a reputed leading company in Colombo as Senior IT professional. Reply with horoscope and family details. proposal12389@yahoo.com
Academically and professionally qualified son from a respectable family is sought by Sinhala Buddhist Karawa (caste immaterial) doctor parents for their kind hearted,pretty,slim 5’2” daughter born in 1989 February. She studied in a leading school in Colombo. She is an attorney-at-law and a visiting Lecturer in Colombo,only sister is a doctor. Please reply with family details and a copy of horoscope. Email replies preferable to matriduwa@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by B/G parents from Maharagama for their pretty & well-mannered daughter,born in December 1986,height 5’6” studied leading girls school in Colombo & graduated passed professional exams,working in a managerial grade in private bank,non-malefic horoscope. Reply with the horoscope and family details to: marriageproposals86@yahoo.com0112-840909
Academically and professionally qualified TT/NS well-employed son from a similar family background sought by Gampaha B/G parents for their kind-hearted fair graduate daughter. Born in 1991,5’2”,employed at a leading Diplomatic Mission in SL. Please reply to pyjprop@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered and caring son below 28 years is sought by G/B,retired,professional parents from a very respectable family with means from Nugegoda to build a relationship leading to a marriage for their pleasant and nicely brought up only daughter,born October ‘97,5’3”,studied in a leading school in Colombo,now a University undergraduate in Science Stream. No malefics in horoscope,only brother works overseas. Please reply with full family details and the horoscope from similar family background only. 011-2811189 (after 6.00 p.m.). dsratty1961@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified,well mannered son is sought by G/B,parents living in Western Province for their pretty,1993 born,5’4’’ MBBS Doctor daughter currently working in a government hospital in Colombo. No immaterial migration plans. Kuja 1,4,7,8,12 preferred. Please reply with family details and horoscope. E-mail: proposals5262021@gmail.com
Academically professionally qualified caring son is sought by B/G parents for their daughter 35 years,5’4”,MBBS holder (overseas),working as Health Administrator foreign country studied in international school Colombo as bright student fair pretty kind heart with good qualities. Reply with full family details contact: mperera49@yahoo.com
Academically & professionally qualified partner is sought by G/B parents living in Colombo for 37 years,5’3” fair pretty daughter divorced. No encumbrances. Currently working as a Senior Manager in the private sector of Sri Lanka. Canadian PR Holder,holds MBA,inherits movable & immovable assets. Preferred if living in Canada or willing to migrate. Reply with family details siriwardane84@gmail.com
Academically & professionally qualified son is sought from a respectable Christian family by mother for her pleasant daughter 1996 /06 born 5’1”. She was educated in a leading Christian school in Colombo & completed her Degree in Business Management at APIIT Sri Lanka. She is a partner is a start up IT business venture. She will inherit substantial assets. Please reply with family details to: propsal1693@gmail.com
Academically qualified well mannered employed son is sought by B/G parents from Colombo for their 1988/12,very pretty,fair,decent,BSc.,MSc. qualified daughter 5’4” employed as a Senior Chemist in a Multinational Company. Reply with horoscope. (email : wickumluck@gmail.com)
Australian resident Sinhalese Buddhist parents (G/K) seek an educated and a personable son from a decent family background for their well accomplished daughter an Australian qualified Doctor (MD) currently practising as a Doctor in Queensland. She is 1990/07 born,slim,5’3” in height,fair,truly pretty and bears an impeccable character. Interested parents please send your family details along with a copy of your son’s horoscope to,dinuprop10@gmail.com(Email replies only).
A respectable family is looking for a son for their daughter who is Software Engineer,charm and kind hearted character. Divorced after short marriage. homagama311@gmail.com011 3423322 Whatsapp 071 6725825.
A respectable wealthy business family is looking for a son for their daughter,born in 2000. Daughter is employed,very pretty,slim,educated and kind hearted character. She owns very valuable dowry. homagama311@gmail.com0113423322 WhatsApp 071 6725825.
A suitable partner is sought for our daughter who is academically and professionally qualified and well-employed. Born in 1990. Please reply with family details to; proposalcarmalene@gmail.com
A suitable partner sought by a B/G family for their software engineer daughter born in 1985 5’6” slim,fair,pretty,well mannered daughter with assets . Pls reply with family details,horoscope & contact details. proposals.dds@gmail.com
A suitable partner sought by Bodu Deva family for their pretty,slim daughter 1992,5’5’’ currently employed as Science teacher (English medium). Brother lives in Canada. Willing to migrate,Kuja Dosha. Prefer Canada/Australia or abroad. Reply with family details. proposal136@gmail.com
A suitable well established partner either in Sri Lanka or abroad is sought by B/G parents for their well settled daughter born in 1984,5’4’’. She has done her MBA in Australia and currently working as an Accountant. Reply with family details and horoscope. E-mail: luckyprop22@gmail.com
Bodu Govi parents in Colombo suburbs seek an educated,employed,non smoking groom with sober habits for their 35+ yrs. (1986 December born),5’4” height,slim,fair daughter,graduated from University of Moratuwa,MBA completed and employed in private sector. Pls. contact with horoscope and family details. (proposal8612@gmail.com).
Boralesgamuwa Catholic 1985 September 5’4” mid complexion BSc,MSc,MBA Government Deputy Director daughter willing to migrate B/C/K teacher parents seek C/B/Chri. educated compatible employed son with horoscope. m.bandusena53@gmail.com
Buddhist Govigama educationally & professionally qualified parents from Kandy,seek a well-educated professionally qualified son,for their 28-year-old,pretty daughter (LLB qualified,Attorney-at-Law),currently engaged in Postgraduate Studies. Studied at a leading high school. Please contact email for phone number : bewy2021@gmail.com
Buddhist parents from Colombo seek suitable son for their pretty daughter graduated in Australian University. She has completed bachelor degree and two master degrees from an Australian University. She was born in 1993 studied at a reputed school. She moved to Australia with her brother for her higher studies. Prefer Australia (Perth) Sri Lanka. Reply with family details and the horoscope to the following email. Email : ransi1293@gmail.com
B/G family from Colombo suburbs seeks a professionally qualified,well-mannered,NS/TT,son from a respectable B/G family for their daughter born in 1996,5’6”,kind-hearted,fair,pretty,qualified Gemmologist. Please respond with family details and horoscope to: mproposalyr@gmail.com
B/G professional parents seek,academically and professionally qualified,well-mannered son below 30 years for their daughter,born in 1996,5’2”,pretty,educated at a leading Buddhist Girls’ School in Colombo,BSc. Software Engineer works in a well-reputed company. Reply with family details and horoscope to proposalm98@gmail.com
B/G 1990 born,5’1” B.Sc. Graduated Lawyer daughter with assets. Business parents seek academically professionally qualified kind son non-malefic horoscope. anomaranasingha64@gmail.com
B/G/S parents seek a suitable son for their 1981 born Chartered Architect daughter,studied in a leading Girls’ school in Colombo,owns a house close to Colombo. Slim and 5’1” in height,values Sri Lankan culture. Reply with horoscope. Email: cdrhusilva@gmail.comPhone 0112411046.
B/G/S parents seek a suitable son for their 1986 born daughter. She studied in a leading Girls’ School in Colombo and presently working in a reputed educational institute,postgraduate degree holder,slim and 5’1” in height,values Sri Lankan culture. Reply with horoscope. Email: cdrhusilva@gmail.comPhone 0112411046.
B/G,1992 born MBBS Doctor working leading state hospital in Colombo,parents seek suitable son (Doctor /Engineer) for their daughter. Please reply with horoscope matching to Kuja 2 (1,2,4,7,8,12) in Kuja. Please reply kupropo92@gmail.com
Catholic Govi medical parents seek employed professional son any denomination for medical daughter born 1993 5’6” morally sound considerable assets and Colombo residence,early marriage considered details phone first letter treated confidentially phone response if. Requested email: chrisnim34@gmail.com
Close to Ja Ela for Christian daughter height 5’5’’,born in March 1996 a businessman or Christian or Roman Catholic son living in Australia is sought. Inherits a valuable dowry. swarnapala61@gmail.com
Colombo B/G parents seeks a professionally qualified caring son for their 28 yrs. 5’5’’ Software Engineer daughter. Reply with horoscope and full family details. 2022propl@gmail.com
Colombo B/G parents seek educated,suitable partner for their fair,pretty,January 1991,5’,elder daughter,MSc,IT Engineer. Please respond with family details,horoscope,and contact number. propslpj@gmail.com. Phone 0112700026.
Colombo District : Educated in a leading Buddhist Girls’ School and with respectable family background. Born in March 1989 height 5’3” Bodu/Govi and pleasant lookng,she is a holder of Masters in IT from University of Colombo and B.Eng (Hons) Electronics. Passed CCNA,CIMA part qualified. Music is one of her hobbies. Presently attached to a reputed International Company,only sister is attached to a well established company in a foreign country,as a Business Analyst. Parents are Senior Executives. Sought a partner with good qualities and healthy background. Inherits very valuable properties,to contact 0112849850. 14excellent@gmail.com
Colombo Moor parents seeking a good natured,academically /professionally qualified,practicing Muslim groom below 36 years. Either based in Singapore or who is preferably a professional in the IT field and open to relocating there. Proposals form U.S./Australia are welcome too. For their daughter 31 years,very fair and pretty,residing /working in Singapore. Please contact with full details. fraihazel@gmail.com
Colombo suburbs B/K parents of a respectable family seek a professionally qualified son with sober habits born in July 1994,5’2” pretty,fair,completed post graduate in Finance & Accounting in Australia,willing to migrate to UK/NZ or Canada currently living & employed in Australia. Please reply with family details FB link & copy of horoscope to: proposal2020ks@gmail.com
Colombo suburbs parents looking for an educated,kind son for their elder daughter 33 yrs. 5ft Dual citizen graduated and working in Melbourne. Preferred those abroad. Registered and legally separated within short period due to unmatched marriage. Send family details and a copy of horoscope. lankaproposal889@gmail.com
Colombo suburbs Sinhala /Govi Catholic parents (retired) seek an academically and professionally qualified well-mannered son from a respectable family for their 5’4” tall,fair,slim,pretty daughter born in end-1989 and educated at a leading convent in Colombo. Having completed both her degree and Masters,currently she holds a managerial position in a reputed organisation in Colombo. Possesses substantial assets. Willing to migrate. Please reply with family details to: proposalm1221@gmail.com
Colombo,parents seek Doctor,Engineer,graduate son,for their Medical Officer daughter with MBBS Degree,employed in a Govt. Hospital 1991,5’,possessing own house in Colombo nominal Rajaka,Buddhist. Differences immaterial,horoscopes required. kumaproposhanthi@gmail.com
I am 37 years,divorced,no encumbrances attractive Executive,hails from a family with Burgher background. My parents seek a suitable groom to carry on my future life. He must be kind-hearted,understanding sober,attractive gentleman with substantial income,etc.
Moor parents seek for their daughter 26 years 5’3” in height,studied at a leading school in Colombo,foreign qualified Dental Surgeon,looking for a qualified Groom Accountant /software Engineer /Architect /Engineer Teetotaller,religious with an outgoing personality and open minded partner from Colombo suburb. Phone No. 0112861307. Email:- bproposal891@gmail.com
Moor well connected Sri Lankan parents living in Australia are looking for a qualified Moor partner for their Civil Engineer daughter (graduated from one of the top Universities in Australia). She is employed at a leading Engineering Consultant Company in Australia. She is beautiful,kind and well mannered. Born in 1994. Please email full details and contact phone number to: moorbride@outlook.com
Muslim family from Sabaragamuwa Province seek a partner residing in UK for their daughter who is living in Sri Lanka,born 1991,graduate,5’3”,slim,fair and beautiful,muslimprops@gmail.com035-4381558. Call after 6 p.m.
Negombo,Roman Catholic born in 1974 height 5’ 3 1/2” holding a managerial post and her sister born in 1969 their mother Governemnt Teacher is looking for educated Roman Catholic partners each inherits a house,specially Sinhala or Burgher music lovers. 0315685941,0763047447. Gmail: goodone461@gmail.com
Parents seek a medical Doctor/professional in medical related discipline with good qualities and character,35 years old or less,for the final year MBBS student daughter 5’5’’,age 30,slim,good looking and kind-hearted. Please send family details,a photo and a copy of the horoscope. m51488643@gmail.com
Parents (Teachers) Bodu Govi /Karawa,residing in Colombo,home town Matara,seek educated,professionally qualified,virtuous son for their daughter,Accountancy Special Graduate,MBA,CIMA,working in an International Company,as an Accountant. She inherits considerable properties including modern house in Matara Town. Her only brother is a Senior Software Engineer. Non-malefic horoscope. weddingprop29@gmail.com
Respectable Buddhist parents from Colombo,seek professionally qualified son for their MBBS Doctor daughter 5’5” 1983 legally separated without encumbrances. She owns newly built house in Colombo new vehicle and other assets. Gets a big income from her own medical institute. Reply those who have Shani Mangala in the horoscope. Write with all family details and copy of horoscope. mrpp.lanka@gmail.com
Respectable parents. B/G (father Senior Engineer) with means from Colombo /Gampaha,seek kind partner,ideally from medical field due to common interests,N/S & T/T for their educated daughter,quite pretty,young looking,born November 80,about 5 ft. height fair,slim,quite wealthy with high value fixed assets in Colombo & suburbs,high annual income with independent means,completed doctoral studies on a medical subject,at State University. Groom should be educated,professionally qualified (Doctor,Accountant,Banker,IT Specialist,University Academic,established educated businessman,etc.) well employed,from respectable family,age 37 to 44 yrs.,ideally from Western Province with some means,differences not considered. Replies guaranteed. No Kuja or Shani - Mangala Dhosa. Utrapal Nekatha Rahu in the first house. Nominal comparison only. Marriage delayed due to higher education. Please reply with full family details including residential address and horoscope and will be kept absolutely confidential. Email : tilakranaw@sltnet.lk
Seeks wealthy businessman /professional son age between 47 - 58 (SL,abroad) B/G fair,slim,very beautiful,younger looking English teacher daughter. Divorced,no children. Email - propos222@gmail.com
Sinhala B/G father and foreign mother seeks a partner for their only daughter,Art Director,who lived in Europe since birth,now in Sri Lanka. Born in 1987,economically stable and from a well reputed family. Very sociable and fair. Looking for a well educated partner from a good family,kind hearted and economically stable son. Please send son’s details and family background to proposal0887@gmail.com
Sinhala,Bodu Govi parents (MBBS Doctor and a Dental Surgeon) from Colombo suburbs seek a kind hearted,educated,well mannered and caring son,preferably a MBBS doctor or an Engineer for their eldest daughter,an Engineer graduated in Australia and currently doing postgraduate studies in Australia. She is 1994 born,5’6” tall,Kuja at 7th House. Please reply with a copy of horoscope. email - proposals642@gmail.com
Sinhalese Roman Catholic Australian dual citizen parents living in Australia seeking a caring loving academically professionally qualified son from a respectable family with similar background for their only daughter age 30,pretty pleasant and height 5’6”,she studied at prestigious Catholic school in Colombo and completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management Major in Accounting in one of the leading Universities in Melbourne and presently working as an Admin. Officer. She is pretty caring and lovable talented well brought up child admired by many. She inherits substantial assets. Kindly reply preferably Catholics with similar background with full family details to msdjaya27@yahoo.com.au
Traditional Hindu Tamil mother from Colombo looking for a suitable partner for her daughter,age 29,Star-Libra,completed MBA,currently employed Project Coordinator at Colombo 04. Please reply with family details & horoscope to Email: mlucas272@gmail.com
Well mannered and educated son is sought by B/S/G parents for their well charactered,slim,fair,pretty,senior lecturer (BSc,MSc,PhD) daughter (1980). Valuable assets available. Email: subawksm@gmail.com
We are a Bodu Govi family looking for a groom for our eldest daughter (age 26) our daughter studied at Ladies College,Colombo till she was 15. We immigrated to US,California in 2010. She continued her education in US. She has a Bachelor’s in Child Psychology. She completed her Montessori and Administration Education necessary for her career. She hopes to operate her own pre-school. She is well behaved and follows traditional family values. She is fair and her height is 5’5”. Please contact us at US + 19098275589. jayara95proposal@gmail.com
1995-Bodu Govi parents seek a suitable Doctor /Engineer (attending higher education) partner for their 1995 pretty slim 5’ 2.5” Bio Medical Engineer (graduated from Moratuwa) daughter attending to PhD in UK. rupa1961.rr@gmail.com
93 September born resides in Colombo,employed,undergraduate,mother is looking for a partner for her son. E-mail: sumanape57@gmail.comor call 0112502062/0703291085.