Lankan doctor’s success story | Page 5 | Sunday Observer
Ayurveda treatment, the way out of Covid-19

Lankan doctor’s success story

7 February, 2021

As a nation, we are well-armed with both human and natural resources. With respect to the healthcare sector, Sri Lanka stands way ahead among many of the developed countries though we are numerous steps behind from being so tech-savvy.

Be it Western medicine or traditional ayurvedic medicine, our healthcare professionals have worked wonders. Exploring and experimenting new medicine for diseases that have a least possibility of fading away has long been a tradition of Sri Lankan healthcare sector.

Dr. Tharanga Kumari Wickramasooriya, the ayurvedic doctor from the Department of Ayurveda who discovered a successful medicine for Dengue, has come up with her own ayurvedic solution Epirepies for the raging Covid -19 virus. Epirepies is an immunity enhancing drug that can be used to boost immunity, block the Covid-19 virus from entering the body and remove the virus from the body with the assurance of not being vulnerable to the disease again throughout one’s lifetime.

“This medicine wipes out the virus in its first stage so the person doesn’t become a carrier of the virus. The medicine builds up antibodies inside the person’s body. An infected person who gets this medicine would be safe from this virus throughout the lifetime” Dr. Tharanga said.

“Epirepies increases body temperature, which means, it brings the body temperature to the normal level as the patient’s body gets cold due to phlegm. Someone who generally has phlegm and also wheezing, can use this drug so it removes phlegm and fibrosis in lungs. This virus causes the increase of WBC as well as phlegm. Though a person with generally high level of phlegm has the potential risk of developing his condition to pneumonia, in terms of Covid-19, patients with diabetes, kidney failures and other noncommunicable diseases are more susceptible. On the other hand, if someone has a normal amount of phlegm it can also be a good medium for Covid-19 to develop inside the body. Epirepies also demolishes this medium which caters to the existence and growth of the virus”.


According to Dr. Tharanga, Covid-19 causes tissue damage, increase of both LDH and the accumulation of fluids in lungs, blood clotting and failure of internal organs and Epirepies is capable of blocking all these conditions. Up to this time, Dr. Tharanga has earned commendations for her medicine for dengue and several types of cancer. She has altered and modified a particular medicine she has been using to treat lung cancer, blood clotting and paralysis to make Epirepies. “I modified the medicine according to the symptoms and the blood reports of Covid-19 patients. I have been using this medicine since 2012 to treat lung cancer. When altering it, I had to change only the initial stages of the process”.

At the time when the first Covid-19 wave kicked off hitting the other countries of the world, Dr. Tharanga’s patients and fellow doctors from abroad have informed her about the virus’s symptoms and the nature of the disease. “A German doctor called Marc used my dengue medicine when he was in the country some years ago. He recovered just two days before he left for Germany. It was more like a miracle for him that I cured the virus. This time, he’s the one who sent me all the details about Covid-19 and he also encouraged me to find a cure for it”.

Dr. Tharanga’s Epirepies drug decreases the excess level of WBC (which are infected with the Covid-19 virus) till ‘real WBC’ comes. (Though there’s an excessive level of WBC due to the virus, these WBC are not real WBC, they are infected.) “This medicine can remove the virus and bring the WBC to its normal level. The virus also increases reactive protein. Epirepies lowers down the level of reactive protein as well. Covid-19 dwindles the platelets count after blood clotting and decreases CD4. Epirepies increases CD4 and brings all these complications to the usual level”.

The IDI reports have proved that Epirepies has no side effects and any age group can use it depending on their condition (if they use it to boost immunity, if they had a close encounter with a Covid-19 infected person or if they are infected with the disease) and age. “From 2020.10.25 till the end of January 2021, I have issued more than 10, 000 bottles of this drug for associates of Covid-19 patients, the infected and for immunity enhancement. I have not received any complain so far for the drug not being successful”.

Dr. Tharanga also said that Epirepies is responsive for any of the Covid-19 variants that have been recognised from several other countries.

Medicine for Dengue and Cancer

According to Tharanga, her drug for Dengue can be used at any stage of the disease. “If this drug is given to a patient even several minutes before his brain dies, it has shown positive results and some patients have gradually recovered”. Tharanga has been using her drug for dengue since 2013 and the treatment is being continued up to now successfully.

Tharanga says that she got all the inspiration to study ayurvedic medicine and experiments from her grandfather and father. “My grandfather was a cervical diseases doctor and my father treated animal venoms. When I was a child, I saw how they treated patients.

I believe that has got ingrained in my mind. I got all the knowledge and skills to produce medicines from my grandfather and father”.  Dr. Tharanga adds that all she wishes from within is, to tell her patients “you are alright now, you don’t have to come here again”. 

Dr.Tharanga treats breast cancer, lung cancer and liver cancer. She explained that Dengue and Covid-19 are two different diseases. “Dengue virus increases temperature of the body whereas Covid-19 decreases body temperature”. Talking about cancer treatments, Dr. Tharanga said “If I get a patient in the condition where he/she can still manage to survive, I can prevent the disease from further spreading and cure the patient eventually”.


Dr. Tharanga took a few minutes to thank Chathura Kumarathunga, Commissioner of Ayurveda, Shanthi Kumburegedara, Technical Commissionner of Ayurveda, Manori Kokila De Alwis, Athula Kumara, Shyamal Sumanarathna, Dr. Radika Senevirathne, Dr. Menuka Arawwala, Ravi Daniel, State Minister Sisira Jayakody and all others who contributed to get the approval for her Covid-19 enhancement drug. “I got the approval for my Covid-19 immunity enhancement drug on 8th January 2021 after a prolonged struggle”.


We take the medicinal materials and boil them. Then we filter the materials from the water and take the medicinal water. Then we distill the medicinal water. A medicine bottle can be used within six months after opening.

Winding up our conversation, Dr. Tharanga made a kind request from all the authorities to foster and facilitate local endeavors like hers to stand against a global crisis.
