In the remote but fertile village, Addalaichenai, in the Amparai District was born a future significant poet and critic known as Iniyavan Isarudeen. In his youth he was active following left politics showing intelligence and creative acumen. But in Lanka he was not heard about as he found a job in West Asia living there for over three decades. He was active there and produced a book of poems in 2009. It was called “Malai (Rain) Nathi (River) and Kadal (Sea). He introduced himself to me and asked me to review his second book called “Mull Malarkal” (Thorny Flowers), which I did, translating some of his poems to my liking in 2014.
One of his poems in the latter book in the English version goes somewhat like this:
I within ME (Enakulle Naan)
For long I had immersed in transient pleasure
Even after the alluring has vanished, No mind to leave. Even the dusky wind, rusty leaves and excreta of birds disappeared.
In me, the alien arrogant haughty posture had not subdued.
Since I slept day and night under the knowledge tree, the ‘I’ in me arose in global proportions.
Even when Justice, Integrity, Compassion called me aloud,
To me the shadow of the tree became a Paradise.
That was my understanding of the poem in my translation.
In one of his poems written this year (2019) in Thamil and published in Thamil magazines is given in translation. It goes like this:
Everyone is our Relatives
We are the monarchs of the country, we possess the throne, we possess the palace, and we also possess the Royal Bell, we who possess the entire county’s Power and possess the arms and forces- We taught constantly the art of frequent burning tactfully in the name of our freedom-
We are well talented engineers of isolating the citizens.
The poor people are in our slaves’ kingdom; we flourish in our citizen’s wealth.
Racism is our political trick. The decisions we make are all the country’s Law; but nobody knows that; we are being cheated well- on the top of the head of the general public.
Who said that everything is over?
The angry poet goes on in his poem. I refrain.
I think, we should rediscover the poet’s innate talents, whether politically oriented or highly charged personal poems or his concern for society at large, we should acknowledge the fact that Isarudeen cannot be ignored any more as a man of literary content and critical perception.
Going back to his first book of poems in his 318 page presentation of poems, I notice that eminent people have endorsed Iniyavan Isarudeen’s versatility. Indian professor and poet Abdul Rahuman, locally Anbudeen, and M A Fowzer Rahman have appreciated his poetry. He has dedicated this book to his parents.
His wide knowledge is seen in what he pens, e.g.: AIDS, Chastity, Prostitutes, Death, Separation, Kalel Gibran, Chat with a Spider, Candles, Silence, Tears, Darkness, Gun, Parade, etc.
I liked his poem on Tamil, its various aspects, which is difficult for me even to translate his rich vocabulary.
Space restricts me to go further. Congratulations. You are an enlightened human being, caring for fellow humans and all living creatures despite your short tempered nature. Beside your exterior frame, I see your own sweet nature.
Some humans are mystical.