SLNS Sindurala: sentinel of the deep blue sea | Sunday Observer

SLNS Sindurala: sentinel of the deep blue sea

18 November, 2018

Enhancing the deep sea patrolling capability of the Sri Lanka Navy is her newest vessel SLNS Sindurala. Bearing pennant number P-624 she is a magnificent advanced off shore patrol vessel (AOPV). The captain and crew of this vessel have just returned from a 6000 mile long sea passage from Darwin, Australia, where they took part in an international joint naval exercise. I went onboard this vessel to explore her advanced operating systems and to witness the routine life of sailors at sea. The Commanding Officer is Captain Chinthaka Kumarasinghe who counts 27 years of experience. He said “We are proud to serve on this vessel. She is the pride of the navy. We have a total of 127 staff- 19 officers and 108 sailors. My officers represent the Executive branch, Engineering branch, Electrical branch and Logistics branch. We also have the facility to land a helicopter on this ship. We engage in patrolling and monitoring of our EEZ (exclusive economic zone), act as a deterrent to smugglers and pirates. Our crew has the capacity to take part in search and rescue operations”.

It was time to walk around this massive vessel which has a length of 105 metres and a breadth of 13 metres. I was accompanied by Cdr. Manoj Leelarathna the ships Executive Officer. We made our way through a series of ladders. Ladders on an AOPV are at a steep angle, yet the sailors go up and down with experience. First stop was at the engine room. The vessels chief engineer is Cdr. Manjula Piyathileka. I was able to witness the German made engines that sustain the propulsion of this vessel which has a displacement of 3318 tons. Engineering crews were busy checking an assortment of charts and display units. The clean atmosphere of this engine room must be highly commended as there was not a single stain of grease or oil. It shows the passion these sailors have for their jobs. From here we walked through another hatch and reached the reverse osmosis plant- where sea water is taken in and purified to a level fit for drinking. The vessel has the capacity to produce 31,000 liters of fresh water in a day. I drank a glass of this water and it was pure, an amazing component of naval innovation.

From here a flight of steps led us to the junior sailors living quarters. Some young men were seated on bunk beds engaged in jolly conversation. They told me that they feel very privileged to work on this new vessel and happy at the trade skills they were able to master during their basic training. Living and working on a Navy vessel unites the sailors and their officers into one large family. Out at sea being hundreds of miles from home, they depend on each other.

Our next stop was at the ships galley (kitchen). Two chefs were busy making rice and curry. Cooking on land is one thing but cooking as the vessel sails is no easy task. As the AOPV will ‘pitch and roll’ in turbulent weather the naval chefs must dish out hot food to hungry sailors. They showed me a system of straps where the cooking utensils are secured safely. Onboard this new vessel there are no open flame burners, but induction surface cookers. Frying is also avoided as it has the risk of hot oil splashing about, hence such items are baked. The sailors work on three shifts and the chefs have to feed them on rotation.

Passing the galley we walked into the Salon, where the men cut each other’s hair and trim their beards in accordance to naval regulation. Along this passage we come across the vessels Medical Station which has high tech equipment. Small surgeries can be performed whilst at sea.

As we climbed down to the next level a fire response training drill was in progress. Cdr. Leelarathna explained “When we are at sea we have to fight any fire. Our crews are trained to extinguish a fire within three minutes of the fire alarm”. We are now escorted by the vessels chief electrical engineer Cdr. Geeth Navarathne. He shows me the modern panels and displays that monitor and track every inch of wire and cable. SLNS Sindurala has 150 Km of wiring and 150 Km of communication cable. In addition the vessel has high tech smoke sensors. Moving forward we come to the ‘forecastle’ of the vessel. This is where her main defence the 37mm gun is positioned. This gun has a maximum range of 8500 metres and an effective firing range of 4000 metres. In addition to this she has enriched fire support from an assortment of guns. The ship has two anchors that weigh 1440 Kg each.

The bridge is the heart of the vessel. This is the captain’s seat of command from where he directs his crew. SLNS Sindurala has a modern Integrated Bridge System, which has a network of monitors, radars and displays.

From the large windows the navigation crew has a clear view of the ocean for many miles. From this vantage point I was able to observe the RAS drill- replenishment at sea. This is a drill that must be done to precision timing by two vessels. One is the ‘delivery’ vessel and the other the ‘receiving’ vessel. The vessels come alongside each other keeping a gap of about 40 metres. Both vessels must maintain the same speed. A Petty Officer casts out a line to the receiving vessel. Once the line is secure the required supplies are dispatched. When replenishment is completed the vessels move apart.

The RAS drill is an endorsement to naval training and discipline. This AOPV also carries two small boats (water jets) which are deployed to check suspicious vessels without putting the bigger vessel in danger. In addition the ship has a team of SBS naval commandos who are trained in VBSS (vessel boarding). This again is a danger laden task as the SBS (Special Boat Squadron) men climb onto a moving vessel from their own boat, carrying loaded weapons. Placing your feet on a small ladder, whilst sailing, to board a suspect vessel requires nerves of steel.

Climbing down a hatch we enter the Wardroom (officer’s mess). Captain Kumarasinghe and his officers extend an invitation for lunch. Two sailors are busy setting up the table with cutlery and crockery. Once seated you can’t imagine this is onboard a naval vessel. The atmosphere resembles being seated at a restaurant. Lunch consists of rice and curry. The spicy fish is a succulent treat. During lunch I noticed the close interaction of the captain and his officers, which is a genuine manifestation of a stellar team. It is this dynamic group of men who will command and guide the sailors who look upto them.

The vessel has a sea going endurance of 15 days (7000 nautical miles) and carries dry rations for 90 days. Since her commissioning in April this year she has also trained some cadet officers. The captain explained “During our joint exercise in Australia, there were 27 countries represented including USA, China and Canada. Apart from the joint training we also hosted officers from other ships for a traditional Sri Lankan meal aboard our vessel”. Being an island nation the Navy has a significant role in maritime defence. SLNS Sindurala and her gallant crew will sail forward as our nation’s first line of defence.

