To most of us the Navy is synonymous with gunboats and sailors at sea. Inside the heart of the Navy there are a league of extraordinary men and women. The Naval Cultural Troupe has dazzled audiences locally and globally. They are based at welisara. According to their Officer in Charge, Commander Athula Dayakeerthi” It was Commander Dhanwatte who had the vision to start a naval troupe, and he did so on 7 September 1968, and enlisted the talented performer Ahugoda, This was the first step in our long and successful journey”.
Subsequently in 1976 24 others were enlisted to the troupe. Since then the sailors have performed at state functions, major Buddhist festivals and other events. At the beginning there were no females in this unit and it was in 1989 that 12 women were enlisted as sailors. Today this vibrant and talented team has 151 males and 66 females on active duty.
The members of the cultural troupe begin their day by mustering as per naval tradition, and then proceed for PT for up to one and a half hours. Staying fit is vital for a stellar performance on stage. After breakfast the young folk begin their dance and drum routines. Practice does not end after sunset and the sailors rehearse again from 8pm to 9.45pm. During most weekends they travel the country and perform at various events. Taking care of their costumes and instruments is also another task that takes their time. New recruits are given an intense 6 month training which culminates with a concert.
The young sailors were busy at practice when I toured their large hall and lush gardens. Some were engaged in upcountry and low country dance forms. Others displaying their prowess in pulsating Latin American dance forms. Cdr. Dayakeerthi has been with the unit since 1999, and he proudly recollects the mega show “Sagara Gamana” which was choreographed for the 50th Anniversary celebrations. The show was recognized and appreciated by all dance fans.
Within the troupe there are members who belong to the calypso band, beat band and dance band. These sailors play at Navy wedding receptions. Apart from this when a foreign warship visits Colombo Port the Navy band welcomes them ashore.
To date the members of the troupe have visited Australia, China, America, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, India, Pakistan and Maldives. During these visits they leave behind a beautiful impression of our country to those watching. For many of the foreigners this is their first glimpse of our dance forms and the colorful costumes, which represent an ancient tradition.These gifted men and women add glamour to the dignity and decorum of the Navy.