Today is Easter Sunday. As I reminisce on the memories that are associated with many a Resurrection Sunday, I am into overload drive- with many delightful memories. The first flashback that floods my mind is the atmosphere that prevailed at home during my childhood. My dad’s ancestors were blessed to live adjacent to a magnificent Cathedral. The image of the old Jesuit priest Fr.Berra, sporting his blue beret and immaculate white cassock remains so vivid. The silver cross on his chain reflected the sunlight: just as our own lives must reflect the love of God. During the days leading to Easter the Cathedral remained open until midnight. Repentant devotees used to come at regular intervals. The choir sang their hymns with assurance. The magnificent stained glass windows filtered the sunlight, adding an aura of bliss.
![]() Easter eggs - sweet interiors covered in chocolate |
Back at home dada has returned from his shopping at the Pettah Market, a bag laden with sweets such as milk toffees and marshmallows. Being a resourceful cook in her own right my beloved mama begins her routine of marinating the beef and pork in carefully selected spices and vinegar. My Dad’s elder sister Aunty Angel pays a surprise visit. While sipping her cup of tea amidst consistent but cheerful chatter she sets about making her succulent Sinhala achcharu (a perfect blend of small onions, green chilies, olives, seedless dates and cubed carrots drenched in mustard cream with a dusting of sugar). She has brought me a fruit cake - this was before I moved onto black forest and red velvet cakes! Sunday morning dawns with a thunderous volley of fire crackers courtesy of the jolly burgher boys led by Adrian Peitersz. Old uncle Giles is ready for mass, attired in a full white outfit, and grins solemnly like a celestial being. Uncle Royston walks by with a live rooster, cradled in his arms. This was before the advent of “supermarket chicken”. The defiant large rooster would find its eternal rest in the oven shortly!
I am given my first Easter egg, an elegant reward for attending Sunday school by Aunty Yvonne Bartholomeuz. The cherished egg is a layer of dark chocolate, its pink interior made up of sweet coconut, infused with strawberry. Ah since then I have tried so many variations of Easter eggs - though the custom is not really biblical but denotes a new beginning in life. Petulant old Douglas maintains his decorum as he piously kisses all the fair girls at Church, this is his temporary joy for the day. We used to think the old man had taken an extra gulp of wine at Holy Eucharist!
Lunch was a fascinating reunion. Dad’s brother uncle Stephen would boldly spin many yarns; the best one was how he restrained a runaway Police horse on the beaches of Mutwal. The horses came there for riding exercises from the Mounted stables at Pettah. One Easter was dominated by a duck. Uncle Justin, domiciled in Canada returned to sunny paradise and insisted that he wanted a Muscovite duck for lunch, much to mother’s dismay.
After persistently visiting a few farms, and talking about blonde choir girls in Canada, we finally found his desired bird. His menu choice came under fierce criticism by family friends. Cooking the duck was another challenge! However, Justin’s beef smore (beef saturated in spicy coconut cream and herbs) was welcome with much culinary adoration. It tasted even better on Monday morning with slices of crisp roast paan (bread) and a glass of ginger tea! Us Christians are sometimes accused of merry making. Apart from all this culinary extravagance, it is important to remember that Resurrection Sunday is all about renewed hope.
My college Chaplain at STC once said that our lives were similar to tea leaves. Once immersed in boiling hot water the leaves give out their best flavour and become a refreshing drink. As we face challenging situations, we too must remain positive - depending on God’s divine grace and yield beautiful results. This Easter may we embrace the empowering grace of Jesus for the remission of our sins and allow the blessed Holy Spirit to transfigure our lives. Life is a journey, and we cannot walk alone. We all have a spiritual side within us. We must consolidate our faith by reflecting on the life of Jesus, who overcame the challenges of life. He is the perfect role model. The total joy of Easter is best expressed in Latin – Salutem Pascha: He is Risen.