Apeksha IVF recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kasturba Medical College (KMC) Manipal (Manipal University). The objectives of the MoU are: Knowledge sharing on various aspects of Assisted Reproductive Technology, and Training clinical and laboratory members of Apeksha IVF and Research Center in Sri Lanka.
Their aim is to facilitate training and promote awareness among clinicians on global standards of IVF technology and procedures, Medical Laboratory Technicians (MLT) on advanced IUI procedures and theories, and provide qualifications for scientists on embryology and genetics. Such facility is currently unavailable in the country. It will encourage more gynaecologists in providing better infertility services for sub-fertile couples. The MoU further covers the facilitation of Research and Development in the field of Assisted Reproductive Technology.
The MoU was signed by Dr. Poornima Baliga B, Dean Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Manipal, and Dr. Champa Nelson, Clinical Director and Deepal Nelson, Managing Director of Apeksha IVF. The technical staff of Manipal Assisted Reproductive Center (MARC), led by Dr. Pratap Kumar, Prof and head of MARC, Dr. Satish Kumar Adigar, Prof and chief embryologist of MARC, will work jointly with the clinical staff of Apeksha IVF led by Dr. Champa Nelson.
Apeksha IVF, has created a strong brand in terms of the latest technology use, success rates and patient satisfaction.
The Apeksha group consists of, Apeksha Fertility Center (Pvt.) Ltd., Nugegoda, Apeksha IVF & Research Center (Pvt.) Ltd., Ratmalana and Apeksha Women’s Health Foundation (Pvt.) Ltd.
The core concept of Apeksha is to facilitate gynaecologists to conduct IVF treatment at their state-of-the-art IVF centre and thereby promote more gynaecologists to engage in IVF treatment in Sri Lanka.