Obituaries | Page 3 | Sunday Observer


5 April, 2020

ARASASINGHAM - GLORIA MANOHARAMANY. Entered Glory on March 29, 2020. Beloved daughter of late Samuel Arasasingham and late Grace Arasasingham of Uduvil, loving sister of Felicia (Australia), Divinia (Canada), late Devaprasad, Letitia (Canada) and late Devakumar. Funeral took place on March 30th and laid to rest at Galkissa cemetery.

MUTHUKRISHNA - NEILIA.  Beloved wife of late Anton Muthukrishna, loving mother of Ann (HNB) and Pamela (UAE), mother-in-law of Vajira Gamage (HNB), much loved grandmother of Arnya (HFC)  and Chevarn (Royal College), precious sister of Sita, late Nihal, Mallika, late Nalinie, Vijitha and late Wimal, sister-in-law of Wilfred, Nalani, late Terrance, late Lesly, Royston, Sumitha, late Daniel, Rose, late Eustace, late May and Mahesan called to rest in the  Arms of Jesus. Burial took place at 4.00 p.m. on Saturday, 4th April 2020 at St. Thomas’s Church Cemetery, Kotte.   
