Public awareness campaign on interacting with tourists | Page 5 | Sunday Observer

Public awareness campaign on interacting with tourists

22 January, 2023
Shirantha Peiris
Shirantha Peiris

The Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management, the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority and the Tourist Police will launch a public awareness program throughout the country directed at different segments of society to strengthen the tourism sector by building a strong tourist relationship with the people.

“Public-Relations affect tourism in any country. Efficient interaction between tourists and local communities are necessary to create rewarding experiences for visitors,’’ said Chairman, Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management, Shirantha Peiris, adding “Travellers always prefer to develop positive relationships with the local communities and therefore, we must learn to offer such a service.”

He said the wide spectrum campaign will address many direct and indirect audiences to give a basic knowledge on how to care for a tourist and maintain an acceptable relationship. The initial program will be for three-wheeler drivers and will expand to unauthorised tour guides, street vendors, beach eatery waiters, homestay providers and small time motel workers and people related to the hospitality industry.

“Considering that every Sri Lankan has to support this endeavour, public awareness program among the people will begin from tourist areas including schools and extend to other parts of the country,” said Peiris. “The three-wheel drivers program will be a 2-3 days extensive project, teaching them about safety and Basic First Aid, Grooming and Personal Hygiene, Environmental and Cultural Awareness, Customer Relationship and Soft Skills. Classes will be conducted in their own area including nine colleges of SLITHM.
