About daughter 1986 born,5’4”,fair,pretty,only daughter,educated in a leading school in Colombo 7,Attorney-at-Law,qualified with LLB,MBA,BBA,G/B mother from Colombo seeks a suitable partner. Inherits assets,divorced with no encumbrances. Reply:- mpropsw19@gmail.com
About daughter,26 years,absolutely very pretty pleasant and fair,very religious well educated,smart and moral charactered,currently reading for her Masters degree in a reputed university. We are Bodu Govi family residing in Colombo suburbs. Looking for a professionally qualified well mannered,businessman or well employed respectable caring son. Please reply with all details Email - newproposal987@gmail.com
Academically and professionally caring,well-mannered son sought by Govi/Buddhist parents in Australia for their daughter. She is 5’3” tall well-mannered and born in 1992 Dec. She is a lawyer and also inherits substantial family assets. Please reply with family details and horoscope to: mpd268@hotmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified below 38 yrs. well mannered caring son is sought by respectable G/B parents from Colombo suburbs for their daughter born in 1986 May,5’3’’,pretty,fair,slim with a pleasing personality. Educated at a leading girls’ school Kandy and graduated at a private educational institute in Colombo. Please reply with family details,a copy of horoscope and contact number. E-mail: may79798@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified caring son is sought by Govi Buddhist professional parents living in Sydney,Australia for their 29 year old daughter who is 5’4” tall,very pretty,fair,well accomplished and employed as a lawyer. Residents of Australia only. Please reply with family details,recent photo and horoscope to karurasa001@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified caring son under 35 yrs of age is sought by B/S parents for kind,pretty daughter born in 1992. Masters and BA Degree qualified in Psychology employed in a semi-government organization as a Counselor. Please reply with family details. Email: wijepvt@gmail.com. Phone: 0112 730 670
Academically and professionally qualified employed well-mannered caring son is sought by retired G/B parents from Kurunegala for their pretty well accomplished only daughter. She is well employed holds graduate qualification from UK University. Also,reading for MBA and she is working as an Engineer at a reputed company in Colombo. Born in Feb 91. Height 5’5”. She separated from a marriage confined to registration years ago. She inherits substantial assets. Kindly reply with full family details,copy of horoscope and contact information to: kanthirathnayeka61@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by parents living in Negombo suburb for their daughter B/G,1996,5’3” pretty fair holds a special degree in Statistics. proposaldaughter1996@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by parents living in Negombo suburb for their daughter B/G,1996,5’3” pretty fair holds a special degree in Statistics. proposaldaughter1996@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by Sinhala Buddhist Medical Specialist parents for their only daughter born in March 1993,5’2” slim fair and pretty BSc graduate currently employed in a Government Ministry,New Zealand. Caste immaterial,kindly reply with family details and HC. abcps6224@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified well employed caring teetotaller son from a respectable family sought by Colombo Buddhist Karawe professional parents,for their academically and professionally qualified religious 34 year old employed daughter working in Colombo. She is 5’3” in height very fair,pretty,attractive,well mannered personality. Caste not material. Reply with full family details and a copy of the horoscope. Non-malefic horoscope preferred. confidentialproposals@yahoo.com
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered partner sought by B/C Govi parents for only child born 1980. She is medium complexioned attractive accomplished down to earth lover of nature and animals and a wide range of other interests. Widely travelled. Educated mostly abroad while living with parents. Graduated and postgraduated from highly prestigious university abroad. Partly qualified C.I.M.A. Licentitate Pianoforte Trinity College London. Was employed in Sri Lanka and abroad. Presently holding senior position abroad. Will inherit substantial assets. Please give family details,horoscope and telephone numbers. Email: tityvone@hotmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified,well-mannered son who is willing to migrate is sought by B/G parents from Colombo suburbs for their 30 yrs. old 5’3” tall daughter. She holds a MSc and is employed as an Application Developer in the UK. Currently she is in Sri Lanka for a short visit. Kindly reply with full details and a copy of the horoscope. E-mail: piumperera10@gmail.com
Academically & professionally qualified son is sought by Bodu Durawa Govi Parents residing in Colombo suburbs for their daughter born in 1992 October,5’ 4’ MBBS (SL) Doctor (Govt. Hospital). Saturn 1st house,Kuja 6th house. Shani mangala yoga. dammisathara@gmail.com
Academically/professionally accomplished handsome doctor son living and employed in Australia is sought by G/B professional parents in Australia,for their fair,slim,attractive Australian-born daughter 36 years old,5’6” tall,Australian qualified medical doctor,working in a reputed hospital in Australia. She was brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values and inherits substantial assets. Please reply with family details and horoscope to: swas11mar@gmail.com
Avissawella Bodu Govi 1971/1 never married graduate working as Manager in government corporation looking for partner. Please reply with details in first reply. E-mail: kvw.lal@gmail.com
A respectable Buddhist Govi/Deva parents from Colombo suburb seek an educated,handsome son with high employment,preferably from Colombo and suburb for their daughter,May 1991,5’2”,very fair,pretty,educated at a leading Girls School in Colombo,Graduate Diploma and MBA. CIMA semi qualified,works in a leading Financial institute,land and house among other valuable assets. Email: propose438@gmail.com
Beautiful,fair,kind G/B from a well connected affluent family looking for a partner over 43. Those with children welcome to apply. Self replies expected. soulmatepropose@gmail.com
BG parents from Colombo seek educated,partner for only daughter 1990 July,5’2” pretty fair and well accomplished. Studied in a leading Buddhist School graduated in HR with PQHRM. Presently employed as Deputy Manager Human Resources in reputed Apparel Company with six figure salary,following an MBA in HRMI from Northampton University,owns a two storied house and a car. Elder brother Engineer married to MBBS Doctor. Reply with horoscope and family details. salmg1959@gmail.com
Bodu Govi /Karawa parents seek a matching partner for their elder daughter born in 1991,5’3” pursuing higher studies (PhD) in USA,willing to settle in USA,SL or another country,for the right partner. Proposed daughter will visit Sri Lanka this month (May) for a short vacation. Email - pabodanipunsara@gmail.comT.P. 0915789215.
Born 1989,7th month,permanently residing in Canada and permanently employed there in nursing service,daughter,parents seek educated employed Sri Lankan son. Parents are also living in Canada. chandranicg@yahoo.com
Buddhist Govi mixed parents seek educated partner for 29 years,5’3”,pretty,slim,employed graduate daughter with Masters. Inherits assets including a house. maprop2468@gmail.com
Buddhist Govi /Rajaka respectable parents in Colombo suburbs seek a suitable partner for fair pretty decent daughter only child in the family born 1989/8 and 5 feet tall,She has obtained Bio Technology degree from a foreign University followed by Masters degree from the University of Kelaniya,currently She is reading for MBA and employed in the private sector,in a staff grade position. She owns a two storied new house with other assets. Contact with horoscope. Caste immaterial. email : mallikaf480@gmail.com
Buddhist Karawa professional parents seek a partner preferably a doctor for 26 years 5’6” tall fair doctor daughter,proposal2656@gmail.com
Buddhist Karawa/Govi wealthy parents with very respectable family background living in Colombo suburbs seek an academically and professionally qualified son below 31 years employed in Sri Lanka from a respectable family for their elder daughter 5’6” tall born in 1996 January pretty fair studied in English medium at a leading Buddhist school in Colombo,graduated in International Business Management,well-employed inherits substantial assets. Non-malefic horoscope. No intention of migrating. Please reply with full family details and horoscope,contact number in first letter. E-mail: marriagepro1996@gmail.com
B/G educated parents seek a suitable partner for 1994 born,5’4’’,thin,fair,MBBS qualified,kind hearted,doctor daughter. Wishes to be in Sri Lanka for few more years to continue higher studies. Reply with horoscope and family details. E-mail: kumlak2603@gmail.com
B/G from W/P our daughter very fair and pretty with sober mannered born 1987 studied Musaeus College graduated and living in Australia with cousin sisters and aunt. Pious Buddhist looking for a professionally qualified well-mannered groom from Sri Lanka or Sri Lankan abroad,father retired aviation Executive mother H/W. She owns a substantial property. Please reply with horoscope and details. janani1968@gmail.com
B/G mother seeks an educated son for our well accomplished charming daughter,born in 84 November,5’5’’. Educated at a leading school in Colombo,employed at a reputed company as a General Manager drawing an attractive salary and other perks. Inherits substantial assets including a luxury house and vehicles. Please respond to; jds7sn@gmail.com
B/G parents Galle seek professionally qualified well mannered son for their daughter ICT graduate teacher in Govt. Service. 1977.08 Kuja 4th House. klpdes1@gmail.com
B/G respectable professional parents from Colombo suburb seek for slim,pretty daughter born in 1991,5’2’’ with Masters degree,educated in a leading girls’ school and employed in a managerial position at a private firm in Colombo,a professionally/academically qualified partner with similar background. Inherits valuable assets. Please reply with family details,horoscope and contact numbers to; wije3053@gmail.com
B/G respectable professional parents seek,academically and professionally qualified,well-mannered son below 30 years for their daughter,born in 1996,5’2’’,pretty,educated at a leading Buddhist Girls school in Colombo,BSc Software Engineer works in a well-reputed company. Reply with family details and horoscope to; marriagep152@gmail.com
B/G 1990 pretty daughter living in Australia completed medical degree and master’s. Parents seek suitable kind hearted son in Queensland. Europe PR holders also welcome. No letters. Reply dayarathne@gmail.com
B/S parents are seeking an educated partner for daughter,32,attractive,5’2” final year medical student in the USA. Reply with details by mail or email marriageproposal033@gmail.com
Colombo Bodu Govi respectable parents seeking educated partner for pretty daughter 27 5’ 2” studied at a leading school Masters degree works in private sector Colombo. Inherits assets. Please reply bridesrilanka22@yahoo.com
Decent Buddhist family in Western Province seeks an academically qualified handsome partner for their 25 yrs. old 5’6’’ tall,fair and kind-hearted daughter working as an MBBS Doctor in Australia. Medical & Engineering professionals aged below 30 are preferred. Reply to; proposalgrm@outlook.com
Galle,Buddhist,Durawa 1988,height 5’,graduated in Information Technology Section from NSBM Institute,presently attached to a private company,only daughter in family,bank retired mother seeks virtuous son employed either in the state or private sector with sober habits. Reply with horoscope copy and family details in first letter. proposalsGR2019@gmail.com
Gampaha B/G parents (professor and teacher) seek academically and professionally qualified kind and decent son for their pretty and well-mannered daughter,25,university lecturer planning to start higher studies abroad. Please respond with full details. E-mail: cpk.cr59@gmail.com
Govi Buddhist retired mother (teacher) residing in Kandy district seeks an educated well mannered,teetotaller son for the daughter,29 yrs,qualified with BA and MA (English teaching),at present she is working as an Instructor attached to a State University in Sri Lanka,her brother is also working as an Instructor attached to a state university,just after completing his BSc (Engineering). Send family details. Email - uddeepa11@gmail.com
Govi/Catholic /Buddhist parents from Colombo suburbs seek educated partner for their 1991 born pretty,fair,5’3” Attorney-at-Law,RC daughter,educated in a leading girls’ school in Colombo and holding LLB London,LLM. Currently works for a leading law firm. Please reply with full details. Email: proposals9191@gmail.com
G/B parents in SL seek a kind-hearted,educated son to introduce and build up a relationship leading to marriage for daughter 24 yrs,5’2” USA citizen and BSc graduate. Contact: devanmini99@gmail.com
G/B parents seek a well mannered N/S suitable professionally qualified partner for their daughter born in 1990 pretty fair 5’5” educated at a leading school in Colombo with a BSc in Graphic Designing and currently a freelance Art Director. Reply with family details H. cope and recent photograph to anuradhiwelikala@gmail.com
G.B parents seek suitable partner for their daughter age 30 5’ height MSc in H.R working in a bank dayawick7@gmail.com
Lady born in 1971,divorced good looking no encumbrances,Buddhist is looking for a gentleman for early marriage. Email – hiruprop2022@gmail.com
Leading Govi Buddhist seeks a professionally qualified partner from Sri Lanka,Brisbane or Perth for educated,well employed pretty daughter born in 1988,with assets. Horoscope and family details essential. email: props19221@gmail.com.
Moor parents from Colombo/Galle seek an educated,well-mannered understanding groom from Colombo or suburbs around 30 years,who is employed in Sri Lanka for their daughter 26 years 5’4”,fair,pleasant looking smart,degree holder and working in a reputed organization in Colombo. Please reply with full details. Email: 12proposal2021@gmail.comor contact 0112530896
Muslim - Moor parents from Colombo presently live in UAE and have permanent residence in Colombo,seeking professionally qualified,religious,caring and well-mannered son for their 23-year-old pretty,intelligent and kind daughter. She completed her BSc. and presently teaching Maths to UK students (Online). Also,she has acquired few qualifications in religious studies. Father works for a leading company in UAE,and her mother was a former Teacher at a leading government school. Please send your details to marriageproposalcmb@gmail.com
Professionally qualified (prefer a doctor) kind hearted son is sought by parents B/G based in Colombo for their daughter 1994 born slim,fair,pretty brought up with Buddhist values,studied at a leading school in Colombo. She is a doctor,currently working in a hospital in Colombo. Planning to migrate to Australia. Only sister is a Citizen in Australia. Both her sister & her husband are doctors (consultants) working in Queensland Health. Please reply with family details and horoscope. Email : lakminiwd@gmail.com
RC Sinhala /Tamil Brother seeks a smart,social professional /businessman in age category 46 – 55 for young looking,pretty,fair,educated,well employed,never married fifty – year sister,caste religion immaterial,widows’ divorcees are also considered. Email : prop456srilanka@gmail.com
Seeking a professional /business marriage partner for a middle-aged,educated,well mannered,attractive younger looking sister with means. No encumbrances. Kindly respond with a photograph. greetings55@yahoo.com
SGB parents seek an academically /professionally qualified partner for their 28 year old fair and pretty daughter who holds an executive position with a well known financial sector company. She studied at an international school and graduated with BSc (Hons) from a reputed university in England. She is a professionally qualified Accountant (ACMA-UK) and owns a modern house in a Colombo suburb. Please reply with horoscope and family details to email: sm.proposal@yahoo.com
Sinhala Bodu Govi 1990 May born past Pupil of Vishaka College Bambalapitiya MBBS Doctor attached to a Government Hospital parents seek educated well qualified groom with sober habits in same status. She inherits very valuable assets. Please note height should be above 5ft 8 inches age should be around 34,preferred to have doctor or engineer. Write with copy of horoscope & full family details. donpri7@gmail.com
Sinhala Buddhist parents seek for their daughter aged 26 years,mid complexion,slim,5’8” in height,BSc graduated from an Australian University,currently working in Colombo for a US based company. If interested,please forward a brief description of your son along with his horoscope. Email - proposalrb@gmail.com
Sinhala Catholic respectable parents in Sri Lanka seek an educated,well mannered son for their beautiful 5’2’’,1993 born daughter. She is professionally qualified and employed while pursuing graduate studies in the USA. Especially interested in sons living or studying in the USA. E-mail: pereramar007@gmail.com
Sinhala Govi Buddhist parents seek a suitable partner for their daughter 28 years,5’3” working as an Architect in the USA. Reply with horoscope (shani mangala) and family details. Email - proposald94@gmail.com
Southern Bodu,Wahumpura family seeks suitable partner for daughter 39,Civil Engineer. Email: nimmprop@gmail.com
This is to seek a partner for our daughter Catholic family well settled in Australia. We are living in Melbourne 30 years our daughter born 1981 and 5’4” tall she,is well educated and well qualified,working as a Senior Pharmacist. She is financially very well established. We are seeking a kind and honest partner She also has the British citizenship,never married. Please reply with family details. Email: bdgm.daughter@gmail.com
1994 born B/G Sinhala B/G parents in Colombo seek a decent professionally qualified well-mannered son in the similar caste with a decent family background for their pretty well-mannered daughter of 5’ 2” in height. Studied at a leading girls’ school in Colombo and holds MSc /BSc in IT and currently employed in the same field at a leading group of company in Colombo. Has plans to pursue the higher studies overseas in the near future. Kindly reply with family details,copy of the horoscope and contact number to proposal22d