Moor parents from an educated,respectable family seek a well mannered,educated religious & humble bride for our son who is professionally qualified,29 years and 5’7”,working overseas in the Aviation Industry. Please respond with family details to: marprop65@gmail.com
AAA Respectable Bodu Govi parents living in Colombo,father is an owner of a consultation firm seek an educated kind hearted daughter below 26 yrs. with a height below 5’2” for our son. He is a Chartered Accountant by profession,born in 1992,height 5’6”,NS/TT,he studied at a leading boys’ school in Colombo and graduated from a state university in BSc. Accounting with a first-class degree. He also FCCA,CIMA qualified. Reply with horoscope and family details. Email to gpkumudu@gmail.com
AA respectable Govi Buddhist parents from Colombo District seek an educated,loving and kind-hearted daughter for our eldest son. He is an Engineer by profession,32 years of age and 6’ in height. He studied at a leading School in Colombo and completed his BSc.,MSc. and MBA in Local Private Universities. After working at a leading company in Sri Lanka he is now engaged in business. Non-smoker,teetotaller. We are looking for a family oriented daughter who is willing to not work after marriage and is willing to help our son with his business. (prop2022proposal@gmail.com).
About S/G/B Colombo parents seek academically professionally accomplished pretty slim daughter for their only son 5’11” 1979 Sept. handsome kind-hearted caring presently employed senior position at prestigious Company Colombo Hons. Graduate top class Universities Australia England Industrial Design studied leading school Colombo owns assets luxury houses,differences immaterial. sumanavilla43@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified daughter living in Australia or willing to migrate is sought by G/B parents from Colombo suburb for their 43 years old,5’5” in height,never married Software Engineer son living in Australia. Reply with family details and horoscope. Email : eprop333@gmail.com
Academically and professionally qualified in Quantity Surveying and graduated with BSc. (Hons) Quantity Surveying. Pleasant looking,well-mannered,32 years,5’5” with decent family background,residing and well-employed as a Quantity Surveyor in International Company in Oman. He is possessing valuable assets in Sri Lanka. Respectable middle-class parents (Retired Govt. Bank Manager & Officer) who live in Colombo searching professionally qualified,pretty,pleasant daughter for their son (Medical field or Nurse especial). Only elder brother citizen in Australia. No barriers with caste and religion. Reply with full family details,FB link of proposed daughter and copy of horoscope,Email : tehproposal1989@gmail.comor contact 0711543565 /0112579795.
Academically and professionally qualified kind pretty daughter is sought by Buddhist Karawa parents from Colombo for their well brought up Australian permanent resident,1987 born,5’7” tall,B.Eng and MSc. in Electronics and Communications Eng. from reputed UK University. He is working as an Network Security Engineer in a leading IT Consultancy Firm in Melbourne. Prefers a daughter living in Australia. He inherits substantial assets from his family. Please reply with family details,contact number and social media accounts if available along with the horoscope. Email - ausgpmkv@gmail.com
Academically qualified,beautiful daughter is sought by GB parents for our son. He graduated in Chemistry field working as a Scientist in a Pharmaceutical Company in USA. He is a non-smoker,teetotaller with excellent character,31,5’7” height. Please reply with details. Email : mpweer72@gmail.com
Academically qualified,pretty,willing to migrate or already living abroad daughter is sought by B/Salagma parents. Son 01/1990 born 6’,Anandian,his BSc and MBA from UK Univs,currently working for an Australian company in a managerial position based SL. Please reply with details and horoscope. Email: wedpro21@gmail.com
Age 59 Sinhala Buddhist divorced no encumbrances living in Australia working in Engineering Industry,Sri Lanka dual citizen seeking an educated lady. Differences immaterial. Please reply by email d.peiris@bigpond.com
An educated pleasant well mannered daughter brought up in Sri Lankan culture is sought by mother (R/C,K) who is Assistant General Manager of state bank for the only son a permanent resident of Canada,our son is 32 years 5’8” height,smart sober mannered Buddhist. He is academically & professionally qualified (BSc,MSc in Information Technology) Software Developer presently working in Toronto father (Bud/Du) is a retired bank manager,only sister who finished her postgraduate degree in UK is married to a professional banker and living abroad He inherits a substantial wealth in Sri Lanka. Reply with family & contact & copy of horoscope. email : [email protected]
An educated pretty well mannered daughter is sought by Govi Buddhist parents from Kandy for their handsome Eng. Engineer son born in 1981,5’5” tall NSTT,educated in a leading school in Kandy. Inherits valuable assets. Reply with family details,horoscope.
Aunt is looking for a Catholic,educated,kind hearted,family oriented daughter from a respectable family,for her nephew,who is Canadian citizen,professionally and highly academically qualified,currently employed in the US. 5’10”,36 yrs. He is TT/NS,responsible,caring. Please respond only those who are willing to migrate and prefer those who have travel/work/student visa to US or Canada. Please respond with details to email: perera042022@gmail.com038 2243051.
A beautiful kind-hearted,caring and well mannered daughter sought for our son with great qualities. Son is in his thirties,tall,handsome,kind,caring,highly qualified,employed and lives in Australia. Prefer a fair,slim,gorgeous daughter,33 or below,with a charming personality who will migrate or currently lives in Australia. We would appreciate early responses with detailed info incl FB or pictures. Email: bride042022@gmail.com
Battaramulla (Sinhala-Buddhist) parents seek a bride for son,MBA qualified,AGM of a Development bank,good looking,48 years,5’8” no children,divorced (innocent party). The daughter (bride) we are looking for fair,age 38 - 44,above 5’ feet,educated,good family background and a job or self employed that is compatible with son’s career,divorcees without children are also welcome to reply. Please attach the horoscope (to match) and a contact number to call for any clarifications. Email : kunucomposte07@gmail.com
Bodu Govi reputed business family residence in Colombo parents seek an educated /pretty daughter for their younger son born in 1992. Height 5’11”. Kuja eight in his horoscope. Looking for a business family background. He is a Director of a family business. Please send all the details of your daughter with a copy of horoscope to: mproposal992@gmail.comor please contact on 0766993802 /011-2057972.
Bodu Govi retired parent from Gampaha seeks professionally qualified pleasant slim daughter from respectable family for their virtuous son Aircraft Engineer (B.Eng. UK) 33 years 5’7” slim works in Australia considerable assets from parent. Kuja 7 Western Province Kurunegala or Kegalle preferred. Reply with full details,including horoscope. Contact 011 2256380. prop201988@yahoo.com. No letters.
Buddhist Govi parents from Colombo district seek a loving and kind hearted daughter for our eldest son who is 32 years of age and 6feet in height. He studied at leading school in Colombo and completed his higher education (Engineering) in local private universities. He is now engaged in his own business. (Non-smoker,teetotaller) (lashi.kalu@gmail.com).
Buddhist mother residing in Colombo seeks a suitable kind-hearted daughter for their USA residing son. He is smart,handsome,5’7”,born in 1987. Studied in the USA and graduated with CS and MA. He is working as a Director for one of the largest US medical companies. Prefer people who live in the USA only. Please email your family details and contact number to Email : usaprop2022@gmail.com
Buddhist /Govi,respectable family from Wattala seeks a slim,fair,pretty,educated daughter from a business or professional family (preferably educated in an International School) for our 34 years old son who is 5’8” tall,slim,handsome,educated in an International School,A Degree Holder from a UK University and an owner of a well established family business. Email only family details and horoscope. myprop2022@gmail.com
Buddhist-Govi respectable parents living in Kandy suburbs seek academically and professionally qualified well-mannered pleasant daughter for their 37-year-old,handsome,5’11” tall son. He works as an Assistant Professor at a prestigious university in USA. Sri Lankans residing in USA are preferred,but not a must. Please contact with family details and horoscope: mrgprop.us@gmail.com
B/G mother from Colombo suburb seeks a slim,pretty,fair,academically and professionally qualified daughter for her son living in Melbourne - Australia (citizen) born 1984,5’7’’ graduated in IT and hospitality field. Please reply with family details (FB and a copy of non malefic horoscope) E-mail: prabashdewage@gmail.com
B/G mother from Kurunegala seeks a suitable pleasant fair daughter for her son who is engaged in business,born in 1980,5’8’’,handsome looks much younger never married. propo9800@gmail.com
B/G professional parents Nugegoda seek professionally qualified partner preferably Vegetarians for their smart pleasant son May 1991,5’7”,TT/NS Vegetarian BSc. (Colombo) BCS (UK) qualified employed as Associate Consultant IT Company Colombo. Reply with horoscope & family details. propson91@gmail.com
B/G,professional parents in Canada,seek a beautiful,educated daughter for their younger son,studied in a leading school,Colombo,graduated from a Canadian University,a Software Engineer in Canada,born in 1991,5’7”. Please reply with family details and horoscope. proposals234@yahoo.com
Colombo Govi Buddhist parents seek pretty well mannered unmarried daughter below 37 years for their handsome (only child) 46 years (looking 35) height 5’9” very young looking Accountant,Company Director with respectable family background. Legally separated from first marriage. No children or encumbrances,differences immaterial. Please reply or contact 011-2587501.
Divorcee Sinhalese Christian aged 55,5’8’’,retired Insurance Manager,non-smoker,teetotaller with sober habits,no encumbrances seeks a bride age below 45 from an own family business oriented family only. Willing to migrate,differences immaterial. Please respond to; bride4marry@yahoo.com
Educated G/B parents living in Canada seek an educated,kind,pretty daughter with a very good character from a good family background,for their only child. He was born in 1993 December. Handsome,5’10”,NS/TT,well mannered. Studied up to O/L in a leading Boys School in Colombo. Completed post secondary education in a Canadian University. Currently working in a leading Canadian Company in Toronto. Reply with the horoscope and the family details. Email - dcad410@gmail.com
Expat SGB devout Buddhist non-smoker /Drinker 6’2”,53 from a distinguished family in SL Snr. Mgr. overseas. Only those from an English speaking background must apply. 112500220. nordmendespectra@gmail.com
G/B parents in Colombo seek a suitable partner for their son,1986 born,5’6” educated in a leading school,attorney-at-law qualified with LL.B.,B.Bus,MBA,inherits assets. reply to: propdm@yahoo.com
G/B respectable parents living in UK looking for a daughter for our son age 39,5’8” handsome born and educated in UK. He is an IT Manager graduated from a prestigious University and working in London. He is a dual citizen,owns a house in UK and inherits properties in Sri Lanka. Seeking an academically qualified,fair pretty daughter from the same caste and religion who is well brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values. Preferably from UK or educated abroad in a western country and is willing to live in UK. Please reply with horoscope (non-malefic). Email: proprsh@gmail.com
G/K Catholic parents seek an educated,pretty daughter residing in overseas or planning to migrate for their academically,professionally qualified son 1986,5’10”,BSc,MBA from foreign university. Holds managerial position. Religion immaterial. Reply with details and contact number. mwarnakula@gmail.com
Invitation for marriage for an attractive girl under 34 yrs. 5’10” tall,living in foreign country (preferably in Australia) or expecting to go there from a handsome youth who is engaged in a high employment 34 yrs. having all qualifications to go abroad. (Christian or Catholic preferred). chrishaninisansala@gmail.com
Moor parents from Colombo look for a religious bride below 32 yrs. for their 36 yrs. 5’6’’ fair handsome son who is running his own Web Designing office. Full details to; 1stproposal@gmail.com
Mother seeks a bride,below 32 yrs,for son,40 yrs,5’6’’,Dr,waiting to be a consultant,living in the UK.rosegardens2022@yahoo.com
RC,well qualified Banker,having worked here and abroad in a Managerial capacity in Financial /Banking Sector,educated in Colombo private school,age 58 years height 5’8” J/Tamil studied in Sinhalese medium,not married before,seeking suitable partner. Email - nimeshp5@yahoo.com
Respectable S/B/G parents from Colombo District seek an educated pretty,open minded daughter who is willing to settle in Australia permanently. Son was born 1994/12,5’10” height,handsome and well-mannered residing in Australia. More details 0112772799 /mprochriso@gmail.com0742987074.
Sinhala Buddhist professionally qualified parents living in Australia for 30 years seek a pretty,educated daughter willing to settle in Sydney,Australia. Our son is the only child,33 years old,5’11” tall,handsome,a non-smoker,teetotaller,with Sri Lankan cultural values and has never married. He is an MBBS Doctor graduated from an Australian University and currently working in Sydney. He inherits substantial assets in Australia and Sri Lanka. Email: ainboxapp@gmail.com
Sinhala Buddhist professional parents living in Sydney seek a well mannered educated,kind hearted,pretty daughter preferably living in Australia for their academically & professionally qualified son who is well employed in a leading company in Sydney. He is 26 years,5’10” height,non alcoholic,non smoking and kind hearted,Please reply with family details,and the horoscope to nkvprop2155@gmail.com
Sinhala,Buddhist age 40+,5’10”,very healthy,handsome,young looking well established businessman in Colombo seeks a suitable slim,pretty,fair,loving and kind hearted bride age below 40. He has vehicles and houses inherited in Colombo. Please reply with full details. E-mail: proposalsrilanka07@gmail.com
Sinhala,Buddhist height 5’4’’,age 39 years,owns a business in Malaysia,lives in Malaysia for 12 years. Owns property in Sri Lanka as well. I’m a businessman seeking an educated,pretty partner. kumarakumaranuwan@gmail.com
Sister is seeking proposal for her younger brother,Christian (widow/no children),48 years old,5’5’’ tall,a trainer and counselor with over 23 yrs. of senior banking experience and is fully certified,who lives in Colombo,Battaramulla. He’s looking for a Christian girl with a good education and a good family. Please respond to email at: proposalrmt1973@gmail.comwith information.
This is what dreams are made of a handsome,5’11”,GB 41+ University Lecturer (Sport-Science),an educated,fair /pretty /pleasant,under 35 New Zealand based Sinhala daughter is ideal. saama.weera@gmail.com
Well educated gentleman,just 71 yrs. & around 5’6” (Looks much younger),pleasant looking,kind hearted & loving,sincere,honest & in good health,presently doing work in real estate work seeks partner around 60 - 65 yrs. from Colombo or suburbs,in any civil condition (unmarried,divorced or widowed from united family - race,religion no barrier,with or without children) preferably having own house & family /personal business or property,where the partner can participate in it,needs a person who can help at the start.
1992,Nov. Colombo B/G respectable family 5’7” studied at an International School. N/S,T/T working in a private bank. Father retired professional Banker,mother house wife. Only sister employed in Australia. Parents seek a well-educated decent daughter from a respectable family,legally separated after a signature only marriage. Never lived together. Divorced case filed by us,willing to migrate. lakmaliliyanage1965@gmail.com
39 year old Govi Buddhist doctor working in England looking for a bride/soulmate. 5ft 10 in height,handsome with sober habits and excellent character. Never married. From a reputable,well educated family in Colombo. Please reply to proposal010118@yahoo.com
“Buddhist Govi respectable parents from USA looking for a pretty,educated girl (better in USA) for their handsome son,born in 1988. He is a permanent senior software engineer in a leading IT company in New York city. He has BSc (Hons) from Moratuwa University and graduated with a Master in Computer Science in the USA. Please reply with a photo and contact details. email: proposalny29@gmail.com”