BRIDES | Page 21 | Sunday Observer


3 January, 2021

Academically and professionally qualified kind-hearted son is sought by Govi Bodu/​Catholic parents living in Germany for their daughter as IT Engineer. She is 31 (1988) years old,​168 cm,​pretty well-mannered completed BSc and MSc now reading for her PhD,​employed as a Senior Manager in a worldwide reputed company in Germany also part time Lecturer in university in Germany,​owns modern new house and other more assets. We do not consider caste/​religion,​converse with full family details with contact details only who is willing to migrate to Germany. E-mail address: b​e​n​j​a​m​i​n​6​4​6​4​@​g​m​x​.​d​e

Academically and professionally qualified son is sought by G/​B parents from Colombo suburbs for their pretty fair slim daughter 38,​5’5” studied in a leading Colombo girls’ school,​BSc graduate well employed in a reputed company in Colombo. Inherits substantial assets. Email: p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​s​k​2​5​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Academically and professionally qualified well mannered & soft spoken partner sought by BG sister and mother living in Colombo suburbs for their 32 yr. 5’2” smart and self sufficient sister & daughter who is working as Manager /​Researcher,​in an International organization in Colombo. University of Moratuwa & USA qualified in urban planning. Willing to migrate if compatible with career path. Reply with family details,​horoscope and Facebook or direct contact details to: p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​s​k​s​l​2​0​2​0​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered and kind-hearted son from a respectable family is sought by Bodu/​Govi parents from Western Province,​for their daughter born in 1993,​fair educated at a leading Buddhist girls school in Colombo 07. She holds a bachelor’s degree from University of Colombo and CIMA (UK) and currently reading for MBA,​while working in a reputed private company. Email with horoscope and family details. Horoscopes matching with Kuja 1 and Shani 8 and within Western Province. d​n​p​r​o​p​2​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered son is sought by respected Govi Buddhist busines parents in Colombo suburbs for their fair 5’4” tall 22 years old daughter educated at a leading girls school in Colombo. She is an undergraduate of UK university. She inherits assets. One who has PR in a foreign country is preferred. Contact with horoscope. m​w​a​n​n​i​1​9​7​4​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Academically and professionally qualified well-mannered son sought by B/​G parents from Kandy for their youngest daughter 5’2” born in 89,​presently reading for PhD in U.S.A. (final year). Please reply with family details and horoscope. p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​s​b​t​k​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Academically/​professionally qualified employed well-mannered caring son from respectable family is sought by Western Province Govi Bodu parents retired from executive grades for their kind pleasant daughter born in 1993 August 5’8” tall. She is BSc special graduate from State University. Currently works in a reputed organization as an executive officer. Her only eldest brother is Doctor and married to a Doctor. Reply with full details and horoscope. Email: s​a​v​i​p​r​o​p​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Academically,​professionally qualified well-mannered son is sought by B/​G parents for their 5’7” pretty slim daughter 1993 currently pursuing her Masters in a reputed university in Australia. Please reply with family details and horoscope. m​a​r​r​i​a​g​e​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​7​0​8​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Affluent respectable GB business partners seek a suitable son for their only daughter age 33+ height 5’3” accomplished well brought-up,​qualified Interior Designer. Non malefic horoscope. Inherits substantial assets. Email: n​i​l​m​i​n​i​.​k​1​9​6​1​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Buddhist parents seek academically and professionally qualified well-mannered son (Colombo) for their daughter (1971) (5’4”) slim and good looking,​works as a Government Development Officer Battaramulla,​divorced,​widowers are considered. m​a​d​u​s​h​i​n​7​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Buddhist/​Catholic parents living in USA looking for a smart,​qualified son preferably around 30-32 years with a very good family background for marriage with their first-born-daughter,​30 years,​working as a senior Accountant Executive in New York,​USA,​both academically/​professionally qualified smart well-disciplined girl with a very pleasing personality. Please send details of your son/​family to: m​p​r​1​9​9​0​s​l​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

B/​G Gampaha parents seek suitable partner for graduate daughter CIMA qualified 1986,​5’8” with inherited assets. Engaged in own family business. Write with horoscope details: m​a​r​r​i​a​g​e​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​.​g​t​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

B/​G parents father Doctor retired Health Director (deceased),​mother housewife seeks academically qualified partner for her 28 years 5 feet fair pretty youngest daughter BA (Hons) in French,​University of Kelaniya. Teacher at a leading school in Colombo,​owns substantial assets. Reply with family details and horoscope. m​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​9​2​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m

B/​G parents living in Colombo seek a suitable partner for their 1987/​9 born 5’6” in height slim and pleasant daughter,​currently working as a Manager in a Multinational Company,​partner must be professionally qualified with a good personality. Tel: 0112844311. [email protected]

B/​G respectable professional parents from Kandy looking for a NS/​TT,​educated,​handsome groom for their very pretty,​religious daughter,​born in 1993,​5’3” tall,​completed Masters in a European University. Currently employed as an Assistant Lecturer and a visiting lecturer in two Government Universities in SL. No plans of migrating. Kindly reply to: p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​s​d​a​u​g​h​t​e​r​1​9​9​3​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

B/​G retired professional parents from Colombo seek a suitable partner for their daughter PhD student (final year) lives in USA. 30 years 5’5”. Inherits assets prefer currently living in USA or willing to migrate. Please reply with horoscope and family details. p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​s​c​h​7​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

B/​G Sinhalese educated parents in Canada seek academically professionally qualified son (preferably Canada /​USA) with strong personality from a decent family for 28 yrs,​5’4”,​pretty,​kind hearted graduate daughter,​well employed in reputed University in Canada. Horoscopes (Kuja 1,​2,​4,​7,​8,​12) expected with family details. l​o​v​i​n​g​m​o​t​h​e​r​9​0​8​9​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m

Capital City B/​K acquired professional higher education employee slim calm composed kind-hearted daughter born 1982 divorced no kids,​respectable family seeks educated professional partner below 45 yrs. Respond with horoscope and contact No. h​e​w​a​m​s​1​0​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Christian Buddhist parents looking for an educated kind-hearted partner for our educated unmarried employed daughter 46. 038-2245016. l​i​o​n​e​l​f​e​r​n​a​n​d​o​7​7​7​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m​

Close to Colombo Govi Buddhist 1988 height 5’5” very pretty executive officer in a reputed Finance Company following CIMA Stage 3 well-mannered good charactered bride/​daughter - parents seek educated suitable groom/​son executive officer for marriage for their daughter. 0114-857167.

Daughter born in 1993 educated in a leading Colombo school and professionally qualified with Masters degree and employed. Buddhist parents seek a professionally qualified well employed person of similar age for introducing leading to a marriage. Reply with details to: m​a​j​m​a​r​r​y​2​0​2​0​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

GB retired parents from Kandy seek a decent pleasant non smoker & teetotaller for their pleasant 5’4” 40 year old daughter She has studied in both Sri Lanka & UK in Architecture currently studying for a PhD in Sri Lanka. 081-2218635. m​a​r​r​i​a​g​e​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​k​a​n​d​y​1​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Govi/​Buddhist parents in the UK seek academically and professionally qualified,​kind son a Doctor,​Dentist,​other professional working in the UK for their eldest daughter. She is 5’2’’ tall,​Doctor under going GP training. Born in December 1987. Please send family details with emails only. l​a​k​m​i​n​i​.​w​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m

G/​B 5’4”,​42 BSc MSc qualified Chemistry teacher from a leading school in Colombo seeks an educated partner for early marriage. She is fair attractive younger looking with a pleasing personality. Possesses assets including a house in Colombo. s​a​l​u​s​r​i​1​2​3​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Kandyan G/​B respectable parents seek academically and professionally qualified son,​one who has PR in foreign country (preferably Australia) for their slim,​fair,​absolutely beautiful,​37,​5’1’’ daughter (appearance 28) working Sri Lankan airline in Dubai. Two daughters living in Australia. TP: 081-2470882. E-mail: u​t​t​a​r​a​1​9​8​3​@​g​m​i​l​.​c​o​m

Moor respectable parents living abroad seek from a respectable family,​kind-hearted professionally qualified (Doctors,​Engineer,​Accountants,​etc...) religious,​pious,​well-mannered groom for their very fair,​pretty,​well brought up with family values,​Hijab wearing religious daughter 25-yrs,​currently pursuing higher studies in Australia. Please reply with full details of groom & family to: m​o​o​r​n​i​k​a​h​2​0​2​1​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m

Muslim respectable parents in overseas from Colombo seek from a respectable family professionally qualified religious kind-hearted groom with good character for their daughter,​she is 32-yrs,​5’4”,​slim,​pretty professionally qualified with pleasant and sound religious values. Nikah cancelled,​the groom should be in his early /​mid thirties with compatible values. Please send full details to: m​u​s​l​i​m​n​i​k​a​h​1​2​3​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m​

Professional Govigama Buddhist parents seek a partner for their very attractive daughter born in 1990,​5’6” in height,​fair and highly qualified,​graduated from a prestigious university in the UK,​holding a high professional post in the private sector. She is very kind,​gentle,​well-mannered and has been brought up under close parental guidance. The family is very respectable,​highly connected and well endowed,​and seek a partner with a caring nature and impeccable character with a similar conservative family background. Please reply with details and a copy of the horoscope reply via email: p​r​o​p​r​2​0​2​1​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Ratnapura,​Govi Buddhist,​Wahumpura Matha seeks well mannered,​good charactered groom /​son,​state employee,​from Ratnapura area,​for her daughter,​aged 31,​height 5’0”,​pretty,​fair,​College of Education teacher,​teaching profession preferred. Reply with full details with a copy of horoscope. Email:- w​k​2​0​7​1​7​6​6​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Respectable Govi Buddhist parents in Kandy,​seek an academically and professionally qualified well mannered NS/​TT,​never married,​kind son from a respectable Govi,​Buddhist family for their daughter born in January 1984,​5’2’’ tall,​brought up with Buddhist values,​working as a permanent lecturer at a government university. She studied in a leading Buddhist Girls’ School in Kandy and graduated from the University of Peradeniya and completed her PhD from an Australian university. Please contact with family details and horoscope. Tel. No: 081 2240932,​e-mail: r​s​k​a​n​d​y​2​0​2​0​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Roman Catholic respectable parents from Gampaha district seek an educated son aged 30-34 yrs,​for their 1990 born only daughter,​slim,​medium complexioned,​height 5’3’’,​CIM (UK) MBA (UK) qualified. Director in family business. Send in your family details in first mail,​to n​i​p​e​t​6​1​5​9​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Sinhala Bodu Govi Buddhist and affluent parents from Colombo seek smart,​well brought up,​well mannered,​non smoking,​teetotaller,​kind,​caring,​academically qualified son from a respectable educated family for their pretty,​fair,​5’2”,​well brought up daughter (1989 born) who is a medical doctor with MBBS and MD. Ravi 7,​Kuja 1. Please reply with family details,​horoscope and a contact number by email to: m​a​r​r​i​a​g​e​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​s​8​9​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m

Sinhala,​Bodu,​Govi /​mixed Physician father from US,​looking for a suitable partner for their only daughter,​pretty,​5’5” 30 yr. with a MBA Degree from a reputed University,​who will inherit a significant wealth. The future son in law should be educated,​smart,​around 35 or less,​5’10” or taller with a good physical built. The caste,​wealth or family background immaterial,​but US born or raised,​MD,​Engineer,​Lawyer or similar profession preferred. Pl. respond to p​j​a​y​a​k​o​d​y​1​2​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

Sinhala,​Buddhist,​Vishwa,​professional parents in Sydney Australia,​educated,​pleasant partner is sought for their daughter 1997,​5’7” slim,​fair and pretty,​final year medical student in reputable Australian University. Please reply with family details,​horoscope. m​a​n​g​a​l​a​1​9​9​7​u​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Sinhalese Buddhist /​Karawa retired parents residing in Canada seek professionally qualified well mannered son for near eldest daughter born in 1985,​currently studying in a State Medical Faculty Sri Lanka,​completing MBBS in 2021 brought up with Sri Lankan Buddhist values. Please reply with family details,​horoscope,​contact numbers to: p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​.​c​a​n​.​s​l​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

Suitable partner is sought by B/​D (immaterial) professional parents from Colombo suburbs for their pretty graduate daughter 32 yrs. 5’6” with substantial assets. Senior Executive in a reputed company. Both brother and sister residing abroad. Write details with horoscope. p​p​f​p​r​o​p​o​s​a​l​s​2​0​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m​

1992,​5’2” suburb of Colombo G/​B parents seek educated kind-hearted N/​S T/​T son for their only well educated daughter in New Zealand at the moment. Brought-up with Sri Lankan Buddhist values. Preference Australia/​New Zealand. Please reply with family details and horoscope to c​h​a​m​p​i​k​a​s​p​e​r​e​r​a​6​3​@​g​m​a​i​l​.​c​o​m

46 plus,​5’5” in height,​slim,​fair,​good looking,​GB,​academically and professionally qualified,​employed in an executive position in Government sector,​and widowed,​brother holding a high position in Armed Forces seeks a suitable partner below 55 for sister. Differences immaterial. Write to: s​i​m​p​l​e​l​i​f​e​7​3​@​y​a​h​o​o​.​c​o​m​with contact number.
