Punchi’s Palette at Kala Pola | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Punchi’s Palette at Kala Pola

16 February, 2020
Jagath K.G. Punchihewa
Jagath K.G. Punchihewa

Ever since he was young and in the primary classes, Jagath K.G. Punchihewa immersed himself in drawing – an art that he was blessed with. So much so at his school St. Anne’s College, Kurunegala he further developed his artistry, learning more on line drawing, colouring and object drawing from his art teacher B. Katupitiya. He was proud of the fact that he was one of three students who excelled in art in his class. On the other hand his art teacher was proud of his performance.

But his art did not begin and end at school. Punchihewa joined the Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd. (Lake House) and worked as an artist and cartoonist for a creative and inspiring period of 25 years. Even after his retirement he continues as a freelance cartoonist for the Sunday Observer. Undaunted and determined to hit the high spots Punchihewa held an art exhibition at the Hermitage Gallery, Colombo in 2002 and since then has displayed his art at Solo exhibitions in many parts of the island. His colourful illustrations adorn the children’s books written by Prof. J.B. Disanayake and Kalabushana R.S. Karunaratne.

For the past 20 years Punchihewa has been participating in the annual Kala Pola and this year he will be exhibiting his latest paintings and cartoons at the Kala Pola which will be held in Colombo on February 23. At his stall ‘Punchi’s Palette’ he will be displaying 100 colour cartoons and several acrylic paintings and his stall will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

