The village lad who made a jeep | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

The village lad who made a jeep

22 September, 2019

B.H.M. Sisira Kumara (34), a father of three children, a resident of Galbokkayaya in the Galewela AG division in the Matale district has made a jeep which cost him only 55,000 rupees.

He has used old vehicle parts and the engine of a motor bike to make this jeep. This vehicle could be used as a family vehicle or as a safari vehicle and also to transport goods from factories.

“Those days, I had a dream to be the owner of a Mahindra cab. But I couldn’t make my dream come true. Then I thought of making a jeep myself. Eventually, I ended up making five vehicles and this is my latest creation,” he told the Sunday Observer.

“ My other dream is to make a helicopter. I believe I have enough knowledge for that. Moreover, I have a good solution for the Sri Lankan power crisis. But I cannot do that alone. I need help from the authorities,” he said.

Text and pix: Kulathunga Bandara

