Dr Nimal Sedera’s latest book ‘Bhavapathini’ and two other books, ‘Jayakeheli’, and ‘Nihanda Basa’ were recently launched in Brisbane. The event was organised by the Sri Lanka Society headed by Gopthami Meepa. At the well attended event the three books were reviewed by Prof Darshana Sedera, Prof Francis Suraweera and Engineer and media person Jayantha Wickramatunga. Dr Kumara Dissanayake made the keynote address.
Ven Sitinamaluwe Sugathasara thera the Chief Priest of Queensland Buddhist Vihara was another speaker in addition to the chief guest Anton Swan, the Sri Lankan consulate General in Brisbane, along with the President of the Society Gothami Meepe, Dr. Nimal Sedera and Swarna Sedera and Malani Ranasinghe actress of the original caste of the play “Singhabahu”.