What was urgently needed in our country was somebody who could create music focused in a book to help preschool teachers and nurseries to teach songs and play the piano for the young pupils. This need was realised by Nelum Sriyani Perera and she has published a book titled ‘Easy to play Children’s song’.
Meeting up with Nelum Perera was an interesting experience when she narrated the reasons that inspired her to publish this book. Nelum is a music teacher with 24 years experience behind her not only teaching music and singing in Sri Lanka schools, but also in schools overseas.
So how did the idea form in your mind to
publish this book?
‘The idea of compiling this book formed in my mind as I realised teachers in preschools and nurseries kept asking me from time to time to write songs for them in ‘simple form’. Some had never even learned to play the piano or organ. By this method I was able to help some to play songs which they had never heard, nor had music lessons. In this book there are new songs about animals, fun songs, about vehicles etc. So my aim was not just for the teachers only, but for all who want to play simple songs.
What are the songs in particular?
‘Most of the songs in this book are known only to me and they have been handed down from generations before, which I too learnt and taught when I was at Ladies’ College Colombo. I wanted to pass on and share these songs with others as well.
‘The songs in this book are easy to play as the A, B, C, D, notes too are included with the proper music notes, chords and lyrics.
‘A little basic theory is included to guide a player.’
Nelum Perera continues to teach and enjoy playing the piano in schools at events and the parties too. She gives lectures to teacher trainees and has also released a CD of her piano music titled ‘The Music Played’. This CD was released in 2009. She has also obtained the Bronze Medal in music and has the A.T.C.L. (Pref. Pract).
The love of music was gifted to her by her parents and also by her teachers Grace Harvie, Canace Ekanayake and Seetha Perera under whom she learnt classical music. It was the Principal of Methodist College Shanthi Peiris who initiated her into playing, by requesting her to play for assembly and prayers. The confidence of playing church music and later accompanying choirs helped her develop her skills. After she joined the staff of Ladies’ College she was able to use her talents more in the Nursery class and Kindergarden under the guidance of Kamini Sinnathamby and Sirancee Gunawardena and here, as she confesses, she enjoyed trying out new methods of teaching and introducing children to the wonderful world of music. ‘I have a therapy for myself – my own way of relaxing specially now when everyone is speaking of ‘stress’, ‘moods’ and trying out new ways of relaxation. I want to introduce students to my way of getting ‘in and out’ of moods through music.
For those who wish to own the book to play Children’s Songs the book is available at Sarasavi Book Shop in Nugegoda.