Mystery surrounds sex attraction | Page 3 | Sunday Observer

Mystery surrounds sex attraction

14 October, 2018

Sex attraction or sex appeal is the beginning and the most important reason for being in love. If a man and a woman are not sexually attracted to each other, they won’t begin a romantic relationship. However, nobody can define sex attraction to the satisfaction of everybody. This is because we are attracted to members of the opposite sex due to a plethora of reasons. Among them can be beauty, good manners, education, or any other quality. Love cannot be rational and lovers cannot determine why they should love a certain person and proceed to fall in love with that person.

Human history is full of instances where monarchs fell in love with ordinary women. Some of them succeeded but others ended up in disaster. Dr. Esther Tietz in her book “The Art and Science of Marriage” says, “Observations of happily married couples indicate that they have no characteristics peculiar to them and different from those people who fail to marry or have unsatisfactory marriages. No particular size, shape, complexion, or proportions characterize the happily married woman of our civilization. She may be broad and stocky or tall and narrow; she may be old or young, she may be sober, unsocial and introverted, or gay, sociable and subject to wide swings of moods. Her personality and emotional reactions therefore do not follow any set pattern, nor is there any uniformity in her educational or social background.”

A successful husband does not follow a set of rules. He may be handsome or ugly looking, fat or slim, fair or dark. He may be a happy-go-lucky person or a confirmed alcoholic. Even crooked and up to-no-good husbands live happily with their wives. In some marriages one spouse is deformed or suffering from an incurable disease, but they live together.

Success in marriage

Some people attribute the success in such marriages to sex appeal. It looks like everybody has a kind of sex appeal despite their physical or mental limitations. Well-dressed or ill-clad men and women have not changed much over the centuries when they choose the right partner. They stick together and face life’s ups and downs stoically.

When you are young, you take extra trouble to dress well, apply cosmetics and stay cheerful. These attributes surely help attract members of the opposite sex. Today, a youth may admire a girl sunbathing on the beach. However, 50 years ago such a display would have disgusted and repulsed most men.

Times, styles, and attitudes are in the melting pot. They are changing with every passing day.

Some men are sexually attracted to sophisticated women. On the other hand, there are men who prefer calm and quiet women who prefer to stay close to nature. You do not see them applying lipstick, nail polish or whitening creams.

But, they look more beautiful than those painted dolls. Even the well-dressed women may not have sex appeal. However, it does not mean they have no takers.


Some men desire women who are able to cook well, help farming, sewing and look after their children. But this is not a universal law.

Sex appeal is usually based on what is customary in the region. This is one reason why style and customs do not change rapidly. Even the changing styles do not last long. For instance, short skirts were the rage in a certain period. Then the skirts began to lengthen again, gradually.

Race, religion and occupation may set limitations on the type of girl a man seeks.

He will desire a motherly woman if he unconsciously feels a need to substitute his mother who may be living or dead.


Another man would seek a partner who is delicate and devoted to increase his feeling of power and domination.

To win her love he may even sacrifice his occupation. Another man would be overtaken by an urge to seek a cruel woman whose nagging would allow him to show his superiority.

In a recent survey, 81 per cent of men sought curvateous women. About 42 per cent of men look for a pretty face. Surprisingly, 45 per cent of men seek partners with shapely legs. Most men (90 per cent) expect women to remain clean. About 60 per cent of men expect intelligence from their partners. Some men (33 per cent) expect a sense of humour from women. Only about 12 per cent of men are attracted to women who use perfume. However, 44 per cent of men are attracted to the make-up worn by women.

We tend to believe that in order to boost our sex appeal we need to alter our physical appearance, whether through diet, increased muscle tone, make-up or sexier clothes. But, there are certain extraordinary strategies to boost your sexiness without physical modifications.

Helping others is increasingly appealing to potential partners. In other words, selflessness is sexy. Helpful men were perceived as more attractive than those who are not willing to help others. Psychologists say, helpful people have good genes as well as a willingness to share in parental care. Recent research shows that familiarity is not always desirable in a mate. While women prefer familiarity in a partner, men prefer unfamiliarity.

Sometimes, women prefer creativity to wealth in potential male partners. For instance, musical creativity has been proved to be attractive in men. This is because musical talent signals good genes and intellectual ability. Carry a guitar case and see how many women would look at you. It will not be the same if you happen to carry a gym bag.

There is something in the way you move. You may not be a handsome guy or a good looking girl. But, your appearance and the way you walk can be an attention getting method. Even a smiling face would attract many potential partners.

Finally, sex appeal seems to be mysterious like life itself.

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