To those living in this era the phrase ‘porn’ does not make a significant change in emotion, as it is not shocking or controversial. The countless images of nude women and men flood the internet and other social media platforms. Websites showing adult entertainment are considered cool. The new trend is ‘reality porn’ where people update nude or semi nude images on social media. For decades there has been debate as to how much one can reveal and how much society can accept within a ‘liberated’ mindset. Before we enter this deliberation let us look at how this industry developed.
Ancient cultures depicted nudity, in various forms. These primitive images and carvings were works of art. They showed what were believed to be ancient goddesses. During the Roman era display of nudity took on a sense of erotica. The Turin erotic papyrus, an old scroll shows such drawings. As artists became bolder and their audiences more tolerant these images of nudity reigned in art. Adultery and sex go hand in hand readily supplemented by alcohol and narcotic substances. In 1857 British Law for the first time began prohibition of nude images, and the law spread to America. In the US a graduate of the University of Illinois named Hugh Hefner published a small magazine, in 1953, which had the nude photo of actress Marylyn Monroe displaying her breasts. The magazine sold at 50 cents. Within a few years the Playboy Magazine grew into a rich empire and Hugh Hefner minted millions.
The magazine had its iconic centerfold image of nude celebrities- women from every popular field and ethnicity. The Playboy emblem was a silhouette of a rabbit as it was ‘frisky and playful’. During the 1960s and 1970s there was a ‘counter-culture’ movement in America which led to the rise of the hippie lifestyle - where free sex was an attraction. It was during this time that invasion bands like The Beatles made their success, in the backdrop of the Vietnam War. The magazine celebrated 50 years in 2004. Today there is great debate in America of the legacy Hugh Hefner left behind in terms of making nudity so common and accessible. The porn industry in America makes an annual revenue of 13 billion dollars with 750 million dollars from online adult websites - a terrible contrast to a nation that has produced world class evangelist like the late Dr. Billy Graham, who ferociously preached against such evil. The San Francisco valley has been a virtual hotbed for making adult movies since the 1970s. Today one can indulge in porn from their home, with unlimited access.
Data reveals that in the US 70% of males aged 18-34 years watch porn. I wonder what data we have in SL with regard to such addictions.
Coming back to Asia, we hide under the veil of culture and heritage. We must value our ethics and heritage, yet within our righteous puritan society the addiction to pornography is making its dark stain. In order to write this narrative I spoke to some counselors, teachers and clergy who all emphasized the negative influence that pornography leaves behind.
Having feelings of romance and psychical desire for the opposite sex is not a sin- it is a natural mindset. Yet when we become hooked on porn the dormant desire of youth is given an unholy boost and we become glued to our computers and smart phones. The sexual drive in youth is brought upon by the onset of puberty. The mind is curious about sex- this is natural. This is the very element that the porn industry exploits brilliantly- capturing youth.
Constantly watching porn and looking at ‘hot sexy chicks’ leaves a deep emotional stain which manifests later into frenzied cravings. These are the male youth who with time become sexual predators. Having studied the biographies and case files of noted serial killers in the US, I realized one prime common factor in many was their addiction to pornography, from teen years. It is these beasts like Ted Bundy who raped and mutilated their victims cutting out the women’s breasts and vagina. Having profiled a few local criminals in regard to violent and sadistic rape it is clear that the strong influence came from porn.
Men who watch porn have issues on respecting their girlfriends or even wives. They tend to compare their wives figure with the fake silicon enhanced figures they see online. The romance is lost in the marriage. The man seeks pleasure from other women. Porn addiction gradually leads to arguments and domestic violence. Lovers of porn stay up late and are sleepy and unfit the next morning- often failing at university and later on at work. They are in a fantasy world and can’t appreciate their spouse. Men and women addicted to porn have ruined their marriages.
What is considered cool and liberated in your youth will impact your adult life. Pornography is a serious and dangerous addiction. In Sri Lanka people don’t talk of it, and pretend it’s under control. Look at your young friends who watch porn- monitor their social approach to others and see if they find true love? Getting laid before marriage is not real love- it is lust. Parents, teachers and guardians must take control of what websites their teenagers can access.
Smart phones don’t make smart people- we must put prudent thoughts into young minds. Young minds must engage in sports and other value building activities. Remember you can’t list ‘porn addict’ on your future CV, so get a decent hobby or refined interest. Join friends who enrich your life. Good friends care about you and won’t tolerate bad habits. Many ‘cool dudes’ who were porn addict are now in jail. At the end of the day you’re responsible for what goes into your mind. Your young life is a gift. Appreciate and enjoy it wisely. Pornography is a deadly minefield. It will ruin your life.