POEMS: Crossing the street | Page 6 | Sunday Observer

POEMS: Crossing the street

15 October, 2017

Zebras are laid across our streets

for safety crossing and retreat,

Though zebra stripes are black and white

The crossings painted yellow bright.

For yellows seen better at night,

Clearer than if painted white,

Jay walkers cannot miss the site,

Either in daylight or even at night.

Do not saunter but be brisk

Crossing busy streets is a risk

Respond not if your phone should ring

When walking the zebra crossing.

The zebra crossings meant for people

But others use them too,

Stray cows and dogs find security,

So do I.... and you.

George Eddie,

Who are you...?


You are more than the choices

that you’ve made
you are more than the sum of your
past mistakes
you are more than the problem
you create
- Tenth Avenue North -

I heard this song suddenly on my way. When I was demotivated, to say it, really suits me. So let’s go through the full lyrics to understand it more.

Never forget how rare you are, you are unique. Nobody knows the real you, nobody knows how many times you have cried when no-one was watching, nobody knows how many times you have lost hope, and been let down.

Nobody knows how many times you have felt like you are about to snap. Nobody knows you and nobody knows how strong you can be.

You did a mistake, you are forgiven by others and by yourself too, and you remade. Value yourself. Don’t think about where you have been, focus on your present moment.

Don’t stress your mind, the lighter you are, the higher you elevate. Stay light in mind, body, heart and spirit.

You can do much more than you think. Take that chance to be great. Let the world judge you, misunderstand you, gossip about you so what does their opinions matter? Stay kind, honest and committed to love. No matter what others do or say. Don’t dare about your worth. Trust yourself.

Live on the edge, new opportunity will never come twice to your life, you are more than what you think you are.

Rangika Maheshani,
Eastern University. 
