Successful living | Sunday Observer

Successful living

30 April, 2017

People search for success and happiness in all kinds of different places, including in careers, occupations and business. But, a closer look at the highly successful people would reveal that they are successful not by accident but because they have mastered some traits and characteristics that have now become second nature to them.

Importance of family unit

The first place where success and happiness are embedded is within the family unit. When you know that you are loved and appreciated by your spouse, children and extended family, it gives you the much needed momentum to keep on developing yourself to become what you were born to accomplish.

Psychologist William James held the view that in every person from cradle to grave, there is a deep craving to be appreciated. Accept, appreciate, love and encourage your family members unconditionally and see how your home becomes a little piece of heaven on earth that leverages you into your full potential.

Power of forgiveness

If you have been wronged, you must learn to forgive and move on. Continuously fighting for justice and rights only, makes one tired and bitter inside. These powerful negative emotions can drain the positive energy and take a toll on us. Instead, focus on responsibilities and what could be controlled. This strategy will eventually lead one to the victory he or she is looking for.

Do not keep going over old history. Blame game will not take us anywhere. “Lessons learnt” is a good mechanism to admit past mistakes; learn from failures and forge into the future. Henry Ford put it this way, ‘failure is an opportunity to begin again, more intelligently’.

Link between goals, growth and change

It is astonishing to see how many people just drift along without any definite goal or purpose. Goals cultivate within us qualities and traits such as, determination, being focused, appreciating the value of time and quantifying our work.

Philosopher poet, Ralph Emerson said, “The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going.” When we are committed to continuously develop ourselves, we will build enough competencies to move up the ladder of success. However, a lifetime of continual growth is not easy. That is why a lot of people just give up on continual improvement after their schooling or graduation.

Believe in your potential

You have a specific mission and purpose in life. That is why you came into this world. You cannot be replaced. You need to find that driving mission, goal and purpose for your life. If you would seek, then surely you would find.

Growth means change and many people do not want to change, especially, if it affects them personally. Change is constant in life, whereas, growth is optional. The only concern is that those who do not opt for growth might not achieve their full potential. One way to ensure that continual growth happens is to create one’s own conducive environment for growth.

Ride on waves of fortune

In addition, associate with people who can assist your personal growth. Spend time with peers who are ahead of you, since many things are not taught but caught! Initially, it might not be easy to keep pace with these trail-blazers.

But, if you will hang in there, eventually, you will start to become more like them, as those competencies begin to rub on you.

Look toward the future with anticipation for opportune moments. Shakespeare put it this way: ‘There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune’. Successful people know how to ride and surf on waves of opportunities.

They are able to understand the patterns and systems in winds. They know how to recognize and respond to the shifts and changes in seasons because, ‘time and tide wait for no man’.

Higher way of living

The attitude of giving too is an important success factor. Some believe, if they give, they will lose what they possess. There are others who have little, but are great givers. The more creative one becomes in giving the more enjoyable the process would be. One can not only give money but also time, e.g. coaching apprentices to master a craft etc., because giving is a higher way of living.

Remember, your best days are ahead of you. To upgrade your capacity for success and happiness enjoy your family warmth, learn to forgive and be goal and purpose oriented. Commit yourself to continuous improvement and create a conducive environment for development.

Do not be afraid to walk on the fluid waters of change and take full advantage of the waves of opportunities that fortune brings your way. Unseal and connect with your destiny and become exceptionally successful.

(The writer is an HRD practitioner) 
