Relaxation cures all ailments | Sunday Observer

Relaxation cures all ailments

12 March, 2017

In Sri Lanka it is yet quite rare that people get psychological treatment for illnesses. This is mainly because, by nature people are embarrassed to show any mental weakness even to their closest of kin. Most certainly, a taboo subject for social discussion. However, by taking psychological treatment and applying the relaxation methods parallel to medication for the physical ailment, according to Sanjaya Samarasekera, a professional counsellor and trainer, has introduced new relaxation techniques using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Law of Attraction. The objective is to support people to reduce stress and pressure they face each day.

“This will also help them to cure their physical and psychological ailments from simple stress to any other disorder, even cancer,” he says.

The curing process for the physical factor of the illness he claims, takes only a short duration. “But, the psychological factor on the other hand takes time and dedication. “Whatever the illness, especially, for illnesses such as cancer and leukemia, you have to treat the psychological factor, as well as the physical factor. Therefore, the treatment requires patience as well as discipline.”

Samarasekera particularly expressed concern that people were putting too much pressure and stress on themselves which may endanger their physical health. “A healthy nation is essential for the stability and progress of our country.”

When asked how this method worked, he said, “The objective of this exercise is not to listen to music, but to merely use it as a guide to focus on good thoughts, act according to the instructions and passing on merit to others.”

“Unfortunately, children are mostly exposed to stress these days due to educational problems at schools, or maybe parental problems at home. Regular use of relaxation techniques will help them become more serene and handle stress levels in a better way. 
